author: Laurent Coustet
Take a look at the official documentation on Read The Docs
MLVPN will do its best to achieve the following tasks:
- Bond your internet links to increase bandwidth (unlimited)
- Secure your internet connection by actively monitoring your links and removing the faulty ones, without loosing your TCP connections.
- Secure your internet connection to the aggregation server using strong cryptography.
- Scriptable automation and monitoring.
See solene's article on how to use mlvpn on OpenBSD
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv 3324C952
echo "deb unstable/" >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mlvpn.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mlvpn
pkg install git libev libsodium
git clone --branch freebsd mlvpn
cd mlvpn
This is usefull on old systems. For example, for debian
tar -C / -xpzf mlvpn_static_ev_4.22_libsodium_1.0.10.tar.gz
adduser --quiet --system --no-create-home --home /var/run/mlvpn --shell /usr/sbin/nologin mlvpn
chmod +x /etc/init.d/mlvpn
insserv mlvpn
Using nix, MLVPN can be built on any linux system without the need to manually setup a build environment or install dependencies. It also allows to build static binaries and cross built binaries. It just requires nix to be installed (see getting nix)
First obtain a flakes compatible nix :
NIX_CONFIG="experimental-features = flakes nix-command" nix-shell -p nixFlakes
Build MLVPN via nix:
- Build for your current platform
nix build github:zehome/MLVPN
- Static build for your current platform
nix build github:zehome/MLVPN#mlvpn-static
- Cross build for another platform
nix build github:zehome/MLVPN#mlvpn-aarch64-linux
- Static cross build for another platform
nix build github:zehome/MLVPN#mlvpn-static-aarch64-linux
The binary will end up in ./result/bin
# Debian
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential make autoconf automake libev-dev libsodium-dev libpcap-dev pkg-config
# OR ArchLinux
$ sudo pacman -S base-devel git libev libsodium
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential make autoconf debhelper fakeroot cdbs ruby-ronn
$ dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot
apt-get install flex bison build-essential
tar xzf libev-${EV_VERSION}.tar.gz
tar xzf libsodium-${LIBSODIUM_VERSION}.tar.gz
tar xzf libpcap-${PCAP_VERSION}.tar.gz
echo libev
(cd libev-${EV_VERSION}
./configure --enable-static --disable-shared --prefix $HOME/libev/
make -j4 install)
echo libsodium
(cd libsodium-${LIBSODIUM_VERSION}
./configure --enable-static --disable-shared --prefix=$HOME/libsodium/
make -j4 install)
echo libpcap
(cd libpcap-${LIBPCAP_VERSION}
./configure --disable-shared --prefix $HOME/libpcap/
make -j4 install)
tar xzf mlvpn-${MLVPN_VERSION}.tar.gz
cd mlvpn-${MLVPN_VERSION}
libpcap_LIBS="-L${HOME}/libpcap/lib -lpcap" libpcap_CFLAGS="-I${HOME}/libpcap/include" libsodium_LIBS="-L${HOME}/libsodium/lib -lsodium" libsodium_CFLAGS=-I${HOME}/libsodium/include libev_LIBS="-L${HOME}/libev/lib -lev" libev_CFLAGS=-I${HOME}/libev/include ./configure --enable-filters LDFLAGS="-Wl,-Bdynamic" --prefix=${HOME}/mlvpn/
make install
- libev
- libsodium
- libpcap (optional)
MLVPN uses privilege separation to keep high privileges operations away from the core routing stuff.
Code running as root is very minimalist and highly readable to avoid risks as much as possible.
Read more about privilege separation
- Encryption: Salsa20 stream cipher
- Authentication: Poly1305 MAC
Read more on salsa20 and libsodium.
Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, OSX
Windows is NOT supported, but MLVPN runs on routers, so you can benefit from MLVPN on ANY operating system of course.
- Laurent Coustet, author and maintainer
- Philippe Pepiot, contributor (privilege separation, bugfix)
- Ghislain Lévèque, contributor (weight round robin)
- Fabien Dupont, contributor (bugfix)
- Thomas Soëte, contributor (bugfix)
- Frank Denis, contributor (documentation)
- Nicolas Braud-Santoni, contributor (documentation)
- Stuart Henderson, contributor (OpenBSD port/package)
- Olivier Cochard-Labbé, contributor (FreeBSD/OpenBSD fib routing)
- Michael Stapelberg, contributor (documentation)
See LICENSE file.
Documentation is available on Read The Docs. The manpage is also authored in Markdown, and converted using ronn.