The Zazl Javascript Optimizer enables developers to produce optimized JavaScript environments for their AMD based and Dojo syncloader based applications without having to depend on static build/optimizer tools.
Downloads of the Zazl Optimizer and samples can be found here -
- Supports both validation based caching and expiration based caching.
- Supports compression of resulting JavaScript response delivered to browser.
- Easy to setup within JEE based Web Applications.
- Includes its own AMD Compliant Loader (It passes all the current AMD JS Tests)
- Can optimize Dojo AMD based applications.
- Optimizes locale messages based on the browsers locale when the dojo/i18n plugin is used.
- Optimizes text data when the dojo/text plugin is used.
- Can Optimize jQuery/Backbone/Underscore based applications that use AMD.
- Provides a JEE HTML Filter that will parse HTML and insert required javascript tags.
- Includes a Standalone Jetty Zazl Optimizer Server
- Includes a NodeJS Zazl Optimizer
See the Getting Started Pages for more details :
Getting Started with the AMD Optimizer: | |
Getting Started via OSGi/Eclipse: | |
The Zazl AMD Loader should work in the following browsers :
- Firefox
- Safari 5+
- Chrome
- IE9+
- Mobile Safari on iOS 4+
- Android Browser 1.6+
- Follow the development environment steps described in the README on
- Clone the Optimizer git repo (git clone from within the "zazldev/workspace" directory.
- Import the projects found in the "zazldev/workspace/optimizer" directory via "File->Import->General->Existing Projects into Workspace".
Copyright (c) The Dojo Foundation 2011. All Rights Reserved.