A simple java framework for writing text and console reports against the Jenkins API
Eventually provide a pretty extendable framework for generating reports based on data gathered from the jenkins api.
Is it there now? Absolutely not.
The idea formed from a need in my office to gather data regarding the acceptance test phase of our deployment pipeline. Which we run entirely through Jenkins and in house deployment/automation tools. The type of data intially sought were job durations, test failure counts, wait times with a goal of indentifing bottlenecks and troubled jobs(read: branches). I started writing such reports and quickly tired of parsing the dom to find what I was looking for.
- mvn install
Write Everything...
To be just a tiny bit more specific.
- Documentation
- ReportWriter do something with this...
- More access to the API
- More pre-made/sample reports
- ???
- Profit
JobHealthReport.bat -url <url>
-job <jobName>
-buildLimit <maxBuildLimit>
> JobHealthReport.bat -url "http://jenkinsci:8080" -job "Default Trunk - Run 1" -buildLimit 10
JobDurationReport.bat -url <url>
-regex <regex>
> JobDurationReport.bat -url "http://jenkinsci:8080" -regex ".*VM Reserve.*"
DormantJobsPendingRemoval.bat -url <url>
-regex <regex>
-days <days>
> DormantJobsPendingRemoval.bat -url "http://jenkinsci:8080" -regex ".*Setup.*" -days 30 -includeNeverRun
BranchComparisonReport.bat -url <url>
-baseJob <jobName>
-testJob <jobName>
> BranchComparisonReport.bat -url "http://jenkinsci:8080" -baseJob "Default Trunk - Run 1" -testJob "AugustStaging - Run 1"
A report document duration, testng test totals and failure counts along with relevant build and date information.
Report Time: 2013/8/13 1:51 AM
Jenkins CI: http://jenkinsci:8080
Job: Default Trunk - Run 1
| Build | Failed Test Count | Total Test Count | Total Duration | Date |
62 45 2151 4 h 6 m 08/07/2013
61 51 2151 4 h 53 m 08/06/2013
60 27 2150 3 h 47 m 08/05/2013
59 33 2150 3 h 2 m 08/04/2013
58 29 2150 3 h 8 m 08/03/2013
57 26 2150 3 h 5 m 08/02/2013
56 39 2150 3 h 18 m 08/01/2013
55 25 2149 3 h 12 m 07/31/2013
54 - - 2 h 2 m 07/31/2013
53 23 2149 3 h 7 m 07/30/2013
Avg 33 2150 3 h 22 m Avg
A report to match all jobs based on regex provided and calculate average duration for all builds for the given job, then total average duration for all jobs and builds which matched.
| Job | Avg Duration |
Build - A - VM Reserve 1 h 8 m
Performance_Build - A VM Reserve 3 h 44 m
Default Trunk - A - VM Reserve 2 h 52 m
Cache - A - VM Reserve 3 h 5 m
Testcase_Stability - A - VM Reserve 1 h 3 m
Maintenance - A - VM Reserve 3 h 13 m
Locator-enhancements - A - VM Reserve 0 h 12 m
WebDM_LineItemDataType - A - VM Reserve 7 h 45 m
RemoveInvoicePage - A - VM Reserve 0 h 0 m
Maintenance_Weekly - A - VM Reserve 0 h 54 m
Offshore Team - A - VM Reserve 1 h 5 m
QA_Sandbox_Conversions - A - VM Reserve 1 h 9 m
All Jobs and Builds Average Duration 1 h 23 m
A report that will find all jobs matching a regex that have not been executed within X days from the current date. X being the number of days provided via command line. If a job has never run the starting epoch time of 1970 will be used. BY default these jobs are excluded from the list. There is a flag to enable.
| Jobs Pending Removal | Last Executed |
batchCodeCoverage - B - Setup 11/29/2013 12:03 PM
Sales_Division - B - Setup 12/10/2013 03:26 AM
Upgrade_Server2003 - B - Setup 12/31/1969 19:00 PM
atsFAfix - B - Setup 11/12/2013 14:40 PM
MESS - Daisy - B - Setup 12/31/1969 19:00 PM
WebDM_LineItemDataType - B - Setup 09/23/2013 12:57 PM
order_acceptance_bit - B - Setup 10/29/2013 15:43 PM
2013_ATS_Improvements - B - Setup 11/11/2013 10:56 AM
The BranchComparisonReport provides a list of test classes that are failing within the 'testJob' job that are not failing within the 'baseJob' job. This would typically be used to compare a specific workstream to the default workstream to only provide those tests that are not failing globally.
Tests failing in 'AugustStaging - Run 1' that are not failing in 'Default Trunk - Run 1':