Releases: z4roc/valstore-mobile
Minor Bugfix, causing many stores to not load properly and crashing
The new Bundle shipped new Data, with the latest commit and this release should be resolved:
The Problem was simple:
Riot sometimes sends discount percents on items and bundles either as integer
or float
, Flutter has a hard time to assing one to the other,
really simple and stupid, but with the num
Interface it should work consistent.
Fix Login/Loading issues for store, upgrade flutter project, replace current WebView with InAppWebview package
This Update brings nothing really new that people might see, but a lot happened in the background.
Fixed the login and store issues mentioned in #19
Adressed in: af2f587
Overall, there are improvements in security, due to upgrading to newer flutter and sdk versions, as well as replacing the legacy WebView package by InAppWebview.
Notifications also should be more consistent, requesting permissions is now properly checking for pending requests.
NOTE: The galery page now shows all available skins, not only the purchasable ones, since Riot removed the localOffers endpoint, which was used to determine, wether skins are actually purchasable or not.
Migrate storefront v2 to v3
Riot Games updated their endpoint for the store, causing the app to not load any offers and items.
This is resolved with the last commit
Install the new apk from the assets below.
App release 2_0_6v16
Update bugfix showing blank screen
Fixed the bug causing to show a blank screen