Alohomora is a free and open-source password manager designed for elementary OS and built using Vala and Gtk. It manages your passwords in a user-friendly manner while ensuring security.
Alohomora leverages the libsecret-1 library package to store passwords securely into the device keyring.
This app is available on the elementary OS AppCenter. Head over there to download and install Alohomora.
You can build and install Alohomora from the source. Ensure that you have the required dependencies installed.
- meson
- valac
- libgtk-3-dev
- libgranite-dev
- libsecret-1-dev
# Clone repository and build application
git clone
cd alohomora
meson build --prefix=/usr
# Install and run application
cd build
ninja && sudo ninja install
Anyone willing to contribute to this project is most welcome. Please refer to the contributing guidelines to get started.