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A thread-safe map implementation for Go, using `sync.RWMutex` to synchronize access.


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MutexMap - A Thread-Safe Map for Go

A thread-safe map implementation for Go, using sync.RWMutex to synchronize access. This package is optimized for scenarios involving concurrent reads and writes, providing efficient and reliable operations for multi-thread applications.




Go’s standard map is not safe for concurrent access. This package wraps a map[K]V with sync.RWMutex to provide thread safety. With RWMutex, multiple readers can access the map simultaneously, while writes are synchronized to prevent race conditions.

Key highlights:

  • Thread-safety: Prevents data races in concurrent environments.
  • Efficient Reads: Read operations (Get, Range) are lock-free for other readers.
  • Synchronous Write: Write operations (Set, Delete, Getset) are synchronous.

This package is ideal for use cases requiring frequent reads and occasional writes with a shared map.


go get  

Example Usage

Basic Operations

package main  

import (  

func main() {  
	mp := mutexmap.NewMap   

	mp.Set("key1", 100)  
	mp.Set("key2", 200)  

	if value, found := mp.Get("key1"); found {  
		fmt.Println("Key1 Value:", value)  

	mp.Range(func(key string, value int) bool {  
		fmt.Println(key, value)  
		return true  

Using Getset for Cached Initialization

package main  

import (  

func main() {  
	mp := mutexmap.NewMap   

	value, created := mp.Getset("exampleKey", func() string {  
		return "This is a computed value"  
	fmt.Println("Created:", created, "Value:", value)  

	value, created = mp.Getset("exampleKey", func() string {  
		return "Another computed value"  
	fmt.Println("Created:", created, "Value:", value)  


  • Concurrent Access: Allows multiple goroutines to safely read and write to the map.
  • Optimized Reads: Supports simultaneous reads for better performance.
  • Custom Initialization: Use Getset to initialize values only if they don’t already exist.

Method Summary

Method Description
NewMap[K comparable, V any](cap int) Creates a new Map with an optional initial capacity.
Get(k K) (V, bool) Retrieves the value for the given key. Returns false if the key is not found.
Set(k K, v V) Sets a value for the given key. Overwrites if the key already exists.
Delete(k K) Removes the key-value pair from the map.
Len() int Returns the number of elements in the map.
Range(func(k K, v V) bool) Iterates over all key-value pairs. Stops if the callback returns false.
Getset(k K, func() V) (V, bool) Gets a value or creates it if it doesn’t exist, ensuring the creation is atomic and thread-safe.

Why Use MutexMap?

  1. Thread Safety: Essential for shared maps in multi-threaded environments.
  2. Efficient Reads: Read lock (RLock) ensures non-blocking reads for other readers.
  3. Write Synchronization: Write lock (Lock) ensures data integrity during modifications.
  4. Flexible Initialization: The Getset method prevents redundant computations.


mutexmap is open-source and released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.


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Happy Coding with mutexmap! 🎉

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