Yixiao Ge*, Zhuowan Li*, Haiyu Zhao, Guojun Yin, Shuai Yi, Xiaogang Wang, and Hongsheng Li
Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2018 (* equal contribution)
Pytorch implementation for our NIPS 2018 work. With the proposed siamese structure, we are able to learn identity-related and pose-unrelated representations.
- Baidu Pan links of datasets and pretrained models have been updated.
- Python 3
- Pytorch (We run the code under version 0.3.1, maybe lower versions also work.)
pip install scipy, pillow, torchvision, sklearn, h5py, dominate, visdom
- Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/yxgeee/FD-GAN
cd FD-GAN/
We conduct experiments on Market1501, DukeMTMC-reID, CUHK03 datasets. We need pose landmarks for each dataset during training, so we generate the pose files by Realtime Multi-Person Pose Estimation. And the raw datasets have been preprocessed by the code in open-reid. Download the prepared datasets following below steps:
- Create directories for datasets:
mkdir datasets
cd datasets/
- Download these datasets through the links below, and
them in the same root path.
Market1501: [Google Drive] [Baidu Pan]
DukeMTMC-reID: [Google Drive] [Baidu Pan]
CUHK03: [Google Drive] [Baidu Pan]
As mentioned in the original paper, there are three stages for training our proposed framework.
We use a Siamese baseline structure based on ResNet-50
. You can train the model with follow commands,
python baseline.py -b 256 -j 4 -d market1501 -a resnet50 --combine-trainval \
--lr 0.01 --epochs 100 --step-size 40 --eval-step 5 \
--logs-dir /path/to/save/checkpoints/
You can train it on specified GPUs by setting CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES
, and change the dataset name [market1501|dukemtmc|cuhk03]
after -d
to train models on different datasets.
Or you can download the pretrained baseline model directly following the link below,
- Market1501_baseline_model: [Google Drive] [Baidu Pan]
- DukeMTMC_baseline_model: [Google Drive] [Baidu Pan]
- CUHK03_baseline_model: [Google Drive] [Baidu Pan]
And test them with follow commands,
python baseline.py -b 256 -d market1501 -a resnet50 --evaluate --resume /path/of/model_best.pth.tar
We need to pretain FD-GAN with the image encoder part (E in the original paper and net_E in the code) fixed first. You can train the model with follow commands,
python train.py --display-port 6006 --display-id 1 \
--stage 1 -d market1501 --name /directory/name/of/saving/checkpoints/ \
--pose-aug gauss -b 256 -j 4 --niter 50 --niter-decay 50 --lr 0.001 --save-step 10 \
--lambda-recon 100.0 --lambda-veri 0.0 --lambda-sp 10.0 --smooth-label \
--netE-pretrain /path/of/model_best.pth.tar
You can train it on specified GPUs by setting CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES
. For main arguments,
: display port of visdom, e.g., you can visualize the results bylocalhost:6006
: set0
to disable visdom.--stage
: set1
for Stage II, and set2
for stage III.--pose-aug
: choose from[no|erase|gauss]
to make augmentations on pose maps.--smooth-label
: smooth the label of GANloss or not.
Other arguments can be viewed in options.py. Also you can directly download the models for stage II,
- Market1501_stageII_model: [Google Drive] [Baidu Pan]
- DukeMTMC_stageII_model: [Google Drive] [Baidu Pan]
- CUHK03_stageII_model: [Google Drive] [Baidu Pan]
There are four models in each directory for separate nets.
If you use visdom
for visualization by setting --display-id 1
, you need to open a new window and run the script python -m visdom.server -port=6006
before running the main program, where -port
should be consistent with --display-port
Finetune the whole framework by optimizing all parts. You can train the model with follow commands,
python train.py --display-port 6006 --display-id 1 \
--stage 2 -d market1501 --name /directory/name/of/saving/checkpoints/ \
--pose-aug gauss -b 256 -j 4 --niter 25 --niter-decay 25 --lr 0.0001 --save-step 10 --eval-step 5 \
--lambda-recon 100.0 --lambda-veri 10.0 --lambda-sp 10.0 --smooth-label \
--netE-pretrain /path/of/100_net_E.pth --netG-pretrain /path/of/100_net_G.pth \
--netDi-pretrain /path/of/100_net_Di.pth --netDp-pretrain /path/of/100_net_Dp.pth
You can train it on specified GPUs by setting CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES
We trained this model on a setting of batchsize 256. If you don't have such or better hardware, you may decrease the batchsize (the performance may also drop).
Or you can directly download our final model,
- Market1501_stageIII_model: [Google Drive] [Baidu Pan]
- DukeMTMC_stageIII_model: [Google Drive] [Baidu Pan]
- CUHK03_stageIII_model: [Google Drive] [Baidu Pan]
And test best_net_E.pth
by the same way as mentioned in Stage I.
- scripts for generate pose landmarks.
- generate specified images.
Please cite our paper if you find the code useful for your research.
title={FD-GAN: Pose-guided Feature Distilling GAN for Robust Person Re-identification},
author={Ge, Yixiao and Li, Zhuowan and Zhao, Haiyu and Yin, Guojun and Yi, Shuai and Wang, Xiaogang and Li, Hongsheng},
booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
Our code is inspired by pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix and open-reid.