generate swagger typescript code with self-definition liquid templates. support swagger version 2.0 and 3.0+. It builds swagger operations and schemas in typescript.
yarn add swagger-code-gen-liquid -D
npm install swagger-code-gen-liquid -D
Let's add a folder named 'swagger' in your project directory. write a js file named 'codegen.js'.
const { codegen } = require('swagger-code-gen-liquid')
remoteUrl: 'http://localhost:44353/swagger/v1/swagger.json', // your swagger json url, v2.0 or 3.0+.
definitionTemplateFile: 'definitions.liquid', // your swagger schema definition template, liquidjs file.
serviceTemplateFile: 'service.liquid', // your swagger operations template, liquidjs file.
outputDir: './services' // output dir
In your package.json, add a command:
"scripts": {
"build:service": "node ./swagger/codegen.js"
npm run build:service
now we have a typescript class definitions and services in your services/ folder. Enjoy it.