ChatApp is a real-time web-based chat application like Whatsapp.
ChatApp includes the following features:
Real-time chat: Users can send and receive messages in real time, making it ideal for instant communication.
Private Chat Groups: Create private chat group by selecting a user for chatting.
Private Chat Group with Yourself: Create private chat groups with yourself for personal notes, links, or reminders.
Public Chat Groups: Create public chat groups for open discussions on various topics.
Profile Pictures: Users for themselves or users from a group can upload profile pictures for a more personalized and visually appealing chat experience.
Real-time Notifications: Receive instant notifications when you receive a new message in one of your chat groups or when created a chat group.
Chat Date Badges: Chat date badges, prominently displayed within your chat groups, provide users with a quick and intuitive way to discern when individual messages were sent, making it easier to navigate and reference past conversations.
- Register and log in by providing user name and password.
- Create private or public chat groups with searching users by their user name.
- Upload a profile picture for you or your chat group if you like.
- Begin chatting on your desktop or mobile device!
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