Simple and easy CV editor: write
-> download
-> send to a HR
-> receive a dream offer
🔽 Download in PDF
You can download your CV in a PDF format. To do this, use PDF
button on the toolbar.
💾 Auto saving in a browser
You can finish your CV later. All changes in your CV are automatically saved in your browser (in localstorage).
👀 Look an example
You can see a CV example. To see one, use Example
button on the toolbar.
👌 Supporting English and Russian langs
You can make CV with English or Russian section titles. To toggle language, use en
or ru
buttons on the toolbar.
🔗 Use md refs in your text
You can add a ref in your text. To do this, use md ref syntax directly in any multiline text input field. For example, [My GitHub profile](
will convert to My GitHub profile.
Installs the project
git clone
cd cv-editor
npm i
Checks a follow CSS writing conventions
npm run stylelint
Checks a follow JS writing conventions
npm run eslint
Runs the app in development
mode on localhost:3000
npm start
Builds the app for production
to the build
npm build
The project is available under the MIT License.