Problem: using exact solution methods, solve a system of linear equations.
Note: all scripts generate matrices with random values and draw graphs of time versus size automatically.
Gaussian elimination is performed in two steps: a forward elimination and a back substitution.
Step 1. By elementary row operations, bring the matrix to the upper triangular form. First step reduces a given system to row echelon form, from which one can tell whether there are no solutions, a unique solution, or infinitely many solutions.
Step 2. Continue to use row operations until the solution is found; in other words, second step puts the matrix into reduced row echelon form.
# A is a square matrix;
# f is a vector of numbers on the right side of equalities;
# x is a solution vector.
def gauss(A, f):
for k in range(n):
A[k, k + 1:] /= A[k, k]
f[k] /= A[k, k]
for i in range(k + 1, n):
A[i, k + 1:] -= A[i, k] * A[k, k + 1:]
f[i] -= A[i, k] * f[k]
A[k + 1:, k] = np.zeros(n - k - 1)
x = np.zeros(n)
for i in range(n - 1, -1, -1):
x[i] = f[i]
for j in range(i + 1, n):
x[i] -= A[i, j] * x[j]
return x
Comparison of the speed of the self-writing function and the library function:
This algorithm is a simplified form of Gaussian elimination that can be used to solve tridiagonal systems of equations. A tridiagonal system for n unknowns may be written as
where and
Step 1. Find the coefficients through which all are expressed linearly through each other:
After some calculations we get the formulas:
Step 2. Use back substitution to find an answer:
def sweep(a, b, c, d):
alpha = np.zeros(n + 1)
beta = np.zeros(n + 1)
for i in range(n):
k = a[i] * alpha[i] + b[i]
alpha[i + 1] = -c[i] / k
beta[i + 1] = (d[i] - a[i] * beta[i]) / k
x = np.zeros(n)
x[n - 1] = beta[n]
for i in range(n - 2, -1, -1):
x[i] = alpha[i + 1] * x[i + 1] + beta[i + 1]
return x
Comparison of the speed of the self-writing function and the library function:
The solution of is reduced to the solution
Step 1. Matrix is first filled with zeros, and then filled with values and becomes upper triangular through the formula:
Step 2. Then two systems, given at the beginning, are solved using back substitution.
Code (calculating matrix S):
def get_s(a, n):
s = np.zeros((n, n))
for i in range(n):
sq_sum = 0.0
for k in range(i):
sq_sum += s[k, i] ** 2
s[i, i] = (a[i, i] - sq_sum) ** 0.5
for j in range(i + 1, n):
s_sum = 0.0
for k in range(i):
s_sum += s[k, i] * s[k, j]
s[i, j] = (a[i, j] - s_sum) / s[i, i]
return s
Comparison of the speed of the self-writing function and the library function:
Problem: using iterative solution methods, solve a system of linear equations.
Note: all scripts generate matrices with random values and draw graphs of time versus size automatically.
The canonical form of the approximate solution of equation :
where is a non-degenerate method dependent matrix,
is an iteration parameter. Choosing arbitrarily these quantities, we obtain different methods of solution.
converges to a solution.
Let , where
is a strictly lower triangular matrix,
is diagonal,
is strictly upper triangular.
# get new approximate answer
def seidel(a, f, x):
xnew = np.zeros(n)
for i in range(n):
s = 0
for j in range(i - 1):
s = s + a[i, j] * xnew[j]
for j in range(i + 1, n):
s = s + a[i, j] * x[j]
xnew[i] = (f[i] - s) / a[i, i]
return xnew
# choose suitable answer
def seidel_solve(a, f):
eps = 0.000001
xnew = np.zeros(n)
while True:
x = xnew
xnew = seidel(a, f, x)
if diff(x, xnew) <= eps:
return xnew
Comparison of the speed of the self-writing function and the library function:
# get new approximate answer
def jacobi(a, f, x):
xnew = np.zeros(n)
for i in range(n):
s = 0
for j in range(i - 1):
s = s + a[i, j] * x[j]
for j in range(i + 1, n):
s = s + a[i, j] * x[j]
xnew[i] = (f[i] - s) / a[i, i]
return xnew
# choose suitable answer
def jacobi_solve(a, f):
eps = 0.000001
xnew = np.zeros(n)
while True:
x = xnew
xnew = jacobi(a, f, x)
if diff(x, xnew) <= eps:
return xnew
Comparison of the speed of the self-writing function and the library function:
Problem: Given a grid of order n (train.dat file):
Given a set of measurements (train.ans file):
It is necessary to restore the value of function in another set of points
(test.dat file) and save it to test.ans file.
Note: every script can demonstrate you the result if you want. Use -p
flag to see the plot. Test points are the x values (test.dat file) and the y values calculated for them (test.ans file).
python3 -p
Build — the nth degree polynomial that will pass through the given points
Decompose on the basis of polynomial :
python3 -p
The vector of coefficients B is obtained from the solution of the system of equations As = f by the sweep method, and the remaining vectors of coefficients are obtained by the formulas:
python3 -p
Idea: similar to the previous task, but with modified formulas.
Let's enter the notation:
Continuity conditions:
After substitution:
Add a dummy element:
Express A through B:
Substitute A in the remaining equations:
Express C through B:
Substitute and get a closed system for B:
It is reduced to a system of linear equations of order n + 1 with a three-diagonal matrix:
Solve system As = f by the sweep method and obtain the vector of coefficients B. The remaining coefficients are determined by the formulas:
python3 -p
This is a two-dimensional spline interpolation using PyQt. Use -d
flag to set line density (default value is 100). Run it and click on the window to see splines:
Problem: given a function of the initial profile and the coefficient of thermal conductivity
. Find the position of the profile at an arbitrary time
Solution: we will calculate the values for the matrix of size using numerical methods. It is necessary after each update cycle to recalculate the values in all cells according to the formula:
where the coefficients satisfy the stability (Courant) condition:
The script demonstrates the heat equation visually. Click the mouse button to "heat up" the plate on the screen. It will gradually cool.
Note 1: since a long press of the mouse is difficult to implement technically using pure PyQt5 only, it is made artificially. During 10 update cycles (variable heat_duration
), the program will generate the effect of external forces independently.
Note 2: use the command line arguments to adjust the pressing force and change the size of the spot. The default pressing force is 2000 (variable force
python3 500
The result with default value force = 2000
Problem: given a function of the initial profile and the transport velocity
. Find the position of the profile at an arbitrary time
Solution: we will calculate the values for the matrix of size using numerical methods. It is necessary after each update cycle to recalculate the values in all cells according to the formula (we will use 3 layers to calculate; upper index is a layer):
where the coefficients satisfy the stability (Courant) condition:
The script demonstrates the transport equation visually. Click on the screen to make a wave!
Note: use the command line arguments to adjust the pressing force and change the brightness of waves. The default pressing force is 400 (variable force
python3 500