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[#24695] YSQL: Test pg15 upgrade for databases with params
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== MultipleDatabases ==

Modified the existing `MultipleDatabases` test. That test previously:
* Created a new DB
* Created a table in system_platform, yugabyte, and the new DB
* inserted a row into the table at each stage of the upgrade
* asserted the expected rows at each stage of the upgrade.

Now, instead of a simple user owned DB, this test creates a few databases.
* with config values set (temp_file_limit)
* with a different owner set
* with connection limits

We can't test databases created with a tablespace or new template databases, because Yugabyte does not support creating those yet.

For each of these new databases, we use the original idea of inserting and validating rows at every step of the upgrade, but do it programmatically rather than writing out expected vectors for 6 different databases.

Also, at each step of the upgrade, validate that the databases still have the properties that we defined on them initially.

NOTE: The `ALTER DATABASE...` commands increment the catalog version, and we currently do not support upgrading with an incremented catalog version (tracked by #24597). For now, precede each alter command with `SET yb_make_next_ddl_statement_nonincrementing = true`.

== DatabaseWithDisallowedConnections ==
We support creating databases that disallow connections, but ysql_upgrade fails (understandably) when it encounters one. Put that in a seperate test to cover the failure case.
Jira: DB-13770

Test Plan:
./ release --cxx-test pg15_upgrade-test --gtest_filter Pg15UpgradeTest.MultipleDatabases -n 40
./ release --cxx-test pg15_upgrade-test --gtest_filter Pg15UpgradeTest.DatabaseWithDisallowedConnections -n 40

Reviewers: fizaa, hsunder, tfoucher

Reviewed By: hsunder

Subscribers: yql

Differential Revision:
  • Loading branch information
timothy-e committed Oct 31, 2024
1 parent da7ba1b commit 1c7bd3b
Showing 1 changed file with 204 additions and 24 deletions.
228 changes: 204 additions & 24 deletions src/yb/integration-tests/upgrade-tests/
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#include "yb/integration-tests/upgrade-tests/pg15_upgrade_test_base.h"

#include "yb/util/backoff_waiter.h"
#include "yb/yql/pgwrapper/libpq_utils.h"

namespace yb {

class Pg15UpgradeTest : public Pg15UpgradeTestBase {
Pg15UpgradeTest() = default;

constexpr static auto kTemplate0 = "template0";
constexpr static auto kTemplate1 = "template1";
constexpr static auto kYugabyte = "yugabyte";
constexpr static auto kPostgres = "postgres";
constexpr static auto kSystemPlatform = "system_platform";

TEST_F(Pg15UpgradeTest, CheckVersion) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -320,39 +327,212 @@ TEST_F(Pg15UpgradeTest, Sequences) {

TEST_F(Pg15UpgradeTest, MultipleDatabases) {
ASSERT_OK(ExecuteStatement("CREATE DATABASE userdb"));
/* Cases:
* - We support creating / altering databases to disallow connections - but neither YB nor PG
* support upgrading those databases. That is tested by DatabaseWithDisallowedConnections below.
* - We support setting config values for databases
* - We support setting owner for databases
* - We support setting connection limits for databases
* - We do not support tablespaces for databases:
* ERROR: Value other than default for tablespace option is not yet supported
* - We do not support creating new template databases:
* ERROR: Value other than default or false for is_template option is not yet supported
* ERROR: Altering is_template option is not yet supported

static const auto kUser = "new_user";

static const auto kTempFileLimitFlag = "temp_file_limit";
static const auto kTempFileLimitValue = "123MB";
static const auto kDefaultTempFileLimitValue = "1GB";

static const auto kDatabaseWithConnLimit = "db_with_conn_limit";
static const auto kDatabaseWithConfig = "db_with_config";
static const auto kDatabaseWithOwner = "db_with_owner";

static const auto kDefaultConnLimit = -1;
static const auto kNewConnLimit = 10;

static const auto kAnyTserver = std::nullopt;

// YB_TODO(#24597): We don't yet support upgrading databases with incremented catalog versions.
// Work around this by ignoring the increment.
static const auto kMakeNextDdlStatementNonincrementing_YB_TODO_24597 =
"SET yb_make_next_ddl_statement_nonincrementing = true";

struct DbInfo {
std::string owner;
int conn_limit;
std::string temp_file_limit;
bool disallowed_conns;

DbInfo() {
owner = kPostgres;
conn_limit = kDefaultConnLimit;
temp_file_limit = kDefaultTempFileLimitValue;
disallowed_conns = false;

std::map<std::string, DbInfo> db_map;
// Populate the map with the databases and their properties.
std::vector<std::string> db_names = {
kTemplate0, kTemplate1, kSystemPlatform, kYugabyte, kPostgres,
kDatabaseWithConnLimit, kDatabaseWithConfig, kDatabaseWithOwner

std::transform(db_names.begin(), db_names.end(), std::inserter(db_map, db_map.end()),
[](const auto db_name) { return std::make_pair(db_name, DbInfo()); });

db_map[kTemplate0].disallowed_conns = true;
db_map[kTemplate1].owner = kUser;
db_map[kTemplate1].temp_file_limit = kTempFileLimitValue;
db_map[kYugabyte].owner = kUser;
db_map[kYugabyte].temp_file_limit = kTempFileLimitValue;
db_map[kDatabaseWithOwner].owner = kUser;
db_map[kDatabaseWithConnLimit].conn_limit = kNewConnLimit;
db_map[kDatabaseWithConfig].temp_file_limit = kTempFileLimitValue;

// Create the databases with their properties. We could programmatically do this using the
// property map, but we want to check both the CREATE and ALTER DATABASE commands.
Format("CREATE USER $0", kUser),
Format("CREATE DATABASE $0 WITH OWNER = $1", kDatabaseWithOwner,
Format("CREATE DATABASE $0 WITH CONNECTION LIMIT = $1", kDatabaseWithConnLimit,

Format("CREATE DATABASE $0", kDatabaseWithConfig),
Format("ALTER DATABASE $0 SET $1 TO '$2'", kDatabaseWithConfig, kTempFileLimitFlag,

for (auto db_name : {kYugabyte, kTemplate1}) {
Format("ALTER DATABASE $0 SET $1 = '$2'", db_name, kTempFileLimitFlag,
Format("ALTER DATABASE $0 OWNER TO $1", db_name, db_map[db_name].owner)

// Create tables in some databases.
int db_number = 0;
for (const auto& [db_name, db_info] : db_map) {
if (db_name.starts_with("template"))

auto conn = ASSERT_RESULT(cluster_->ConnectToDB(db_name));
ASSERT_OK(conn.Execute(Format("CREATE TABLE t (v INT)")));
ASSERT_OK(conn.Execute(Format("INSERT INTO t VALUES ($0)", std::pow(10, db_number++))));
int inserted_row_count = 1;

// Set up assertion lambdas.
auto add_row_check_rows = [this](const std::map<std::string, DbInfo>& dbs,
const std::optional<size_t> ts_id, const int count) {
int db_number = 0;
for (const auto& [db_name, db_info] : dbs) {
if (db_name.starts_with("template"))

auto conn = ASSERT_RESULT(cluster_->ConnectToDB(db_name, ts_id));

ASSERT_OK(conn.Execute(Format("INSERT INTO t VALUES ($0)", count * std::pow(10, db_number))));

// Generate a vector of numbers [1 * 10^db_number, 2 * 10^db_number, 3 * 10^db_number, ...]
std::vector<int> expected(count);
std::generate(expected.begin(), expected.end(), [n = 1, db_number]() mutable {
return std::pow(10, db_number) * n++;
auto result = ASSERT_RESULT(conn.FetchRows<int>("SELECT v FROM t ORDER BY v"));
ASSERT_VECTORS_EQ(expected, result);


auto create_table_with_row = [this](const std::string& db_name, const int value) {
auto conn = ASSERT_RESULT(cluster_->ConnectToDB(db_name));
ASSERT_OK(conn.Execute(Format("CREATE TABLE t (v INT)")));
ASSERT_OK(conn.Execute(Format("INSERT INTO t VALUES ($0)", value)));
auto check_dbs = [this, &db_map](std::optional<size_t> ts_id) {
// Check database owners and connection limits.
auto conn = ASSERT_RESULT(cluster_->ConnectToDB());
auto result = ASSERT_RESULT((conn.FetchRows<std::string, std::string, int>(
"SELECT datname, rolname, datconnlimit FROM pg_database "
"JOIN pg_roles r on r.oid = datdba "
"ORDER BY datname")));

decltype(result) db_owners_and_conn_limits;
for (const auto& [db_name, db_info] : db_map) {
db_owners_and_conn_limits.push_back({db_name, db_info.owner, db_info.conn_limit});

ASSERT_VECTORS_EQ(db_owners_and_conn_limits, result);

// Check database temp_file_limits.
for (const auto& [db_name, db_info] : db_map) {
if (db_info.disallowed_conns)

// It can sometimes take a few seconds for new connections to pick up the new value.
ASSERT_OK(WaitFor([this, &db_name = db_name, &expected = db_info.temp_file_limit]
() -> Result<bool> {
auto conn = VERIFY_RESULT(cluster_->ConnectToDB(db_name));
auto result = VERIFY_RESULT(
conn.FetchRow<std::string>(Format("SHOW $0", kTempFileLimitFlag)));
return result == expected;
}, 10s, Format("$0 on $1 was not the expected value", kTempFileLimitFlag, db_name)));
ASSERT_NO_FATALS(create_table_with_row("system_platform", 1));
ASSERT_NO_FATALS(create_table_with_row("postgres", 10));
ASSERT_NO_FATALS(create_table_with_row("userdb", 100));

// Validate the databases and table rows before, during, and after the upgrade.

ASSERT_NO_FATALS(add_row_check_rows(db_map, kAnyTserver, ++inserted_row_count));


auto add_row_check_rows = [this](const std::string& db_name, const size_t tserver,
const int value, const std::vector<int>& expected) {
auto conn = ASSERT_RESULT(cluster_->ConnectToDB(db_name, tserver));
ASSERT_OK(conn.Execute(Format("INSERT INTO t VALUES ($0)", value)));
auto result = ASSERT_RESULT(conn.FetchRows<int>("SELECT v FROM t ORDER BY v"));
ASSERT_EQ(result, expected);
ASSERT_NO_FATALS(add_row_check_rows("system_platform", kMixedModeTserverPg15, 2, {1, 2}));
ASSERT_NO_FATALS(add_row_check_rows("postgres", kMixedModeTserverPg15, 20, {10, 20}));
ASSERT_NO_FATALS(add_row_check_rows("userdb", kMixedModeTserverPg15, 200, {100, 200}));

ASSERT_NO_FATALS(add_row_check_rows("system_platform", kMixedModeTserverPg11, 3, {1, 2, 3}));
ASSERT_NO_FATALS(add_row_check_rows("postgres", kMixedModeTserverPg11, 30, {10, 20, 30}));
ASSERT_NO_FATALS(add_row_check_rows("userdb", kMixedModeTserverPg11, 300, {100, 200, 300}));
ASSERT_NO_FATALS(add_row_check_rows(db_map, kMixedModeTserverPg11, ++inserted_row_count));
ASSERT_NO_FATALS(add_row_check_rows(db_map, kMixedModeTserverPg15, ++inserted_row_count));


ASSERT_NO_FATALS(add_row_check_rows("system_platform", 0, 4, {1, 2, 3, 4}));
ASSERT_NO_FATALS(add_row_check_rows("postgres", 0, 40, {10, 20, 30, 40}));
ASSERT_NO_FATALS(add_row_check_rows("userdb", 0, 400, {100, 200, 300, 400}));

ASSERT_NO_FATALS(add_row_check_rows(db_map, kAnyTserver, ++inserted_row_count));

TEST_F(Pg15UpgradeTest, DatabaseWithDisallowedConnections) {
static const auto kDatabaseDisallowedConnections = "db_with_disallowed_connections";


// Validate that we can't connect to the database.
auto result = cluster_->ConnectToDB(kDatabaseDisallowedConnections);
Format("database \"$0\" is not currently accepting connections",

// Should fail because we don't support upgrading databases that disallow connections.
ASSERT_NOK_STR_CONTAINS(UpgradeClusterToMixedMode(), "Failed to run pg_upgrade");

TEST_F(Pg15UpgradeTest, Template1) {
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