Releases: yugabyte/debezium
Releases · yugabyte/debezium
Release dz.2.5.2.yb.2024.1.SNAPSHOT.4
What's Changed
- [DBZ-PGYB][yugabyte/yugabyte-db#24200] Execute snapshot in chunks by @vaibhav-yb in #161
Full Changelog:
Draft release dz.2.5.2.yb.2024.1
[DBZ-PGYB] Add plugin to package connector in a ZIP file (#157) This PR changes the following: 1. Adds a plugin to the pom.xml file to package the connector according to Confluent specifications 2. Adds a GitHub pipeline to automate the above packaging process
Release dz.2.5.2.yb.2024.1
What's Changed
- Fix log statement by @siddharth2411 in #138
- Fix log statement wihile skipping empty transactions by @siddharth2411 in #139
- [DBZ-PGYB][yugabyte/yugabyte-db#23153] Change default plugin to yboutput by @vaibhav-yb in #140
- [DBZ-PGYB][yugabyte/yugabyte-db#23081] Change versioning schema to follow YB standards by @vaibhav-yb in #136
- [DBZ-PGYB][yugabyte/yugabyte-db#23081] Renamed connector to new naming convention by @vaibhav-yb in #142
- [DBZ-PGYB][yugabyte/yugabyte-db#23082] Remove dependency on custom debezium-core changes by @vaibhav-yb in #137
- [DBZ-PGYB] Fixed flakiness for the tests in PostgresConnectorIT by @vaibhav-yb in #143
- [DBZ-PGYB] Add new test class
to add tests for datatypes by @vaibhav-yb in #144 - [DBZ-PGYB] Enable more test classes in the PG connector test suite by @vaibhav-yb in #141
- [DBZ-PGYB] Rename jar artefact according to new naming standards by @vaibhav-yb in #146
- [DBZ-PGYB] Non-key columns should always be optional for replica identity CHANGE by @vaibhav-yb in #147
- [DBZ-PGYB] Fix vulnerability in the Postgres JDBC driver by @vaibhav-yb in #148
- [DBZ-PGYB] GitHub action pipeline to publish to Quay by @vaibhav-yb in #145
- [DBZ-PGYB] Dockerfile fix to package proper artefact by @vaibhav-yb in #149
- [DBZ-PGYB] Add tests to enhance test suite for YugabyteDBConnector by @vaibhav-yb in #150
- [DBZ-PGYB] Fixed bug resulting a
value in case ofpgoutput
by @vaibhav-yb in #151 - [DBZ-PGYB] Decimal handling mode precise should throw exception by @vaibhav-yb in #155
- [DBZ-PGYB] Test addition for updating columns of all data types by @vaibhav-yb in #154
- [DBZ-PGYB] Modify GitHub Action to publish to set proper versions by @vaibhav-yb in #156
Release dz.2.5.2.yb.2024.1.SNAPSHOT.3
What's Changed
- [DBZ-PGYB] Add tests to enhance test suite for YugabyteDBConnector by @vaibhav-yb in #150
- [DBZ-PGYB] Fixed bug resulting a
value in case ofpgoutput
by @vaibhav-yb in #151 - [DBZ-PGYB] Decimal handling mode precise should throw exception by @vaibhav-yb in #155
- [DB-PGYB] Test addition for updating columns of all data types by @vaibhav-yb in #154
Full Changelog:
Release dz.2.5.2.yb.2024.1.SNAPSHOT.2
What's Changed
- [DBZ-PGYB] Rename jar artefact according to new naming standards by @vaibhav-yb in #146
- [DBZ-PGYB] Non-key columns should always be optional for replica identity CHANGE by @vaibhav-yb in #147
- [DBZ-PGYB] Fix vulnerability in the Postgres JDBC driver by @vaibhav-yb in #148
- [DBZ-PGYB] GitHub action pipeline to publish to Quay by @vaibhav-yb in #145
- [DBZ-PGYB] Dockerfile fix to package proper artefact by @vaibhav-yb in #149
Full Changelog:
Release dz.2.5.2.yb.2024.1.SNAPSHOT.1
What's Changed
- Fix log statement by @siddharth2411 in #138
- Fix log statement wihile skipping empty transactions by @siddharth2411 in #139
- [DBZ-PGYB][yugabyte/yugabyte-db#23153] Change default plugin to yboutput by @vaibhav-yb in #140
- [DBZ-PGYB][yugabyte/yugabyte-db#23081] Change versioning schema to follow YB standards by @vaibhav-yb in #136
- [DBZ-PGYB][yugabyte/yugabyte-db#23081] Renamed connector to new naming convention by @vaibhav-yb in #142
- [DBZ-PGYB][yugabyte/yugabyte-db#23082] Remove dependency on custom debezium-core changes by @vaibhav-yb in #137
- [DBZ-PGYB] Fixed flakiness for the tests in PostgresConnectorIT by @vaibhav-yb in #143
- [DBZ-PGYB] Add new test class
to add tests for datatypes by @vaibhav-yb in #144 - [DBZ-PGYB] Enable more test classes in the PG connector test suite by @vaibhav-yb in #141
Full Changelog:
Custom release 2.5.2.ybpg.20241-SNAPSHOT.1
[Internal testing only]
Custom release 0.11
Corresponding docker image: fourpointfour/ybdb-debezium:0.11