Use nunjucks.js to dynamically load templates
searchPaths | Relative path or absolute path |
opt - watch | if true, the system will automatically update templates. To use watch, make sure optional dependency chokidar is installed. when they are changed on the filesystem |
opt - noCache | if true, the system will avoid using a cache and templates will be recompiled every single time |
const Koa = require('koa');
const { koaNunjucks } = require('../dist/index');
const path = require('node:path');
const app = new Koa();
// logger
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
await next();
const rt = ctx.response.get('X-Response-Time');
console.log(`${ctx.method} ${ctx.url} - ${rt}`);
// absolute path - path.resolve('views')
// Relative path - './views'
koaNunjucks(path.resolve('views'), {
useCache: false,
async: true,
// x-response-time
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
const start =;
await next();
const ms = - start;
ctx.set('X-Response-Time', `${ms}ms`);
// response
app.use(async (ctx) => {
ctx.render('index.html', {
name: 'hello koa nunjucks'
//ctx.body = 'Hello World';