An intertactive auto-complete kafka client using c-bata/go-prompt
This command-line tool requires kafka console client installed on the filesystem. (In PATH or using absolutely path to call client executable)
git clone
cd kafka-prompt
The execuatable binary is located as ./bin/kaprompt
Provide auto-comppletion for kafka console commands and their optional arguments.
The auto-completion of kafka client command is predefined so make sure those client executable(eg. kafka-topic, kafka-console-consumer) have alreadly in your PATH. Kafka-prompt also supports any command ends with ".sh".
If you have run a command with "--bootstrap-server/--broker-list/--zookeeper", the prompt will cache these server connected information. Next command without those options can auto add them to connect.
- kafka-replica-verification
- kafka-log-dirs
- kafka-acls
- kafka-delete-records
- kafka-preferred-replica-election
- kafka-console-producer
- kafka-dump-log
- zookeeper-shell
- kafka-topics
- kafka-console-consumer
- kafka-consumer-groups
- kafka-reassign-partitions
- kafka-broker-api-versions
- kafka-configs
- exit/quit Exit the shell
- cluster boostrap/server/zookeeper Show current server connected