Releases: yourssu/Handy-React
@yourssu/[email protected]
What's Changed
🆕 Exciting New Features!
👩🏻💻 ETC
Full Changelog:[email protected]...@yourssu/[email protected]
@yourssu/[email protected]
What's Changed
🆕 Exciting New Features!
🐞 Fixed a Bug
- bug: color.stories.ts semanticColorCategories 수정 및 AllThemeColors 에러 해결 작업 by @fecapark @seocylucky in #176
👩🏻💻 ETC
- v2.1.0 by @seocylucky in #179
Full Changelog:[email protected]...@yourssu/[email protected]
@yourssu/[email protected]
What's Changed
🆕 Exciting New Features!
- feat: handy icon 적용 by @nijuy in #121
- feat: handy typo 적용 by @fecapark in #119
- feat: Handy Primitive Token 추가 by @2wndrhs in #125
- feat: Handy Semantic 토큰 추가 by @fecapark in #132
- feat: Checkbox 컴포넌트 구현 by @fecapark in #130
- feat: BoxButton, TextButton 컴포넌트 구현 by @nijuy in #135
- feat: Fab 컴포넌트 구현 by @2wndrhs in #144
- feat: Chip 컴포넌트 구현 by @fecapark in #137
- feat: Tab 컴포넌트 구현 by @nijuy in #138
- feat: RadioGroup (RadioButton) 컴포넌트 구현 by @fecapark in #147
- feat: Pagination 컴포넌트 구현 by @nijuy in #148
- feat: Textarea 컴포넌트 구현 by @seocylucky in #150
- feat: TextField 컴포넌트 구현 by @fecapark in #151
- feat: Switch 컴포넌트 구현 by @nijuy in #156
- feat: Divider 컴포넌트 구현 by @nijuy in #160
- feat: snackbar semantic color 토큰(info, error) 추가 by @seocylucky in #164
- feat: Snackbar 컴포넌트 구현 by @seocylucky in #162
🐞 Fixed a Bug
- bug: typo typing error fix by @fecapark in #129
- fix: color 속성이 icon에 적용되지 않는 문제 by @nijuy in #134
- docs: 내용 업데이트 by @nijuy in #141
- fix: control 타입이 string인 필드의 잘못된 타입 네임을 변경 by @fecapark in #157
- fix: 칩 컴포넌트의 컨트롤 필드 defaultValue를 칩으로 수정했어요 by @fecapark in #158
🫶🏻 Improve User Experience
👩🏻💻 ETC
- docs: repo code owners 명단 수정 by @nijuy in #117
- refactor: BoxButton / TextButton 속성명 수정 by @nijuy in #166
- config: modify github workflow for Handy distribution by @nijuy in #168
- v2.0.0 by @nijuy in #169
- fix: deploy.yml pnpm 버전 충돌 문제 해결 by @nijuy in #170
New Contributors
- @fecapark made their first contribution in #119
- @2wndrhs made their first contribution in #125
- @seocylucky made their first contribution in #150
Full Changelog:[email protected]...@yourssu/[email protected]
@yourssu/[email protected]
@yourssu/[email protected]
🆕 Exciting New Features!
🐞 Fixed a Bug
- fix: StyledSearchPrefixContainer rendering when searchPrefix is not present by @nijuy in #105
- fix: suffix icon appears when the TextField is disabled by @Hanna922 in #107
👩🏻💻 ETC
What's Changed
- v1.1.2 by @Hanna922 in #111
Full Changelog:[email protected]...@yourssu/[email protected]
@yourssu/[email protected]
🐞 Fixed a Bug
- [FIX] release-template by @Hanna922 in #91
- [FIX] load spoqa font with webfontloader by @Hanna922 in #99
- [FIX] duplicate class name in suffix icon by @Hanna922 in #97
- [FIX] shoving searchPrefix in SearchTextField by @Hanna922 in #103
🛠️ Strive for Better Code
- [REFACTOR] setting default value in PasswordTextField by @Hanna922 in #93
- [REFACTOR] apply Toast z-index by @nijuy in #101
👩🏻💻 ETC
What's Changed
Full Changelog:[email protected]...@yourssu/[email protected]
@yourssu/[email protected]
🆕 Exciting New Features!
- [FEAT] create SuffixTextField by @Hanna922 in #69
- [FEAT] create PasswordTextField by @Hanna922 in #71
- [FEAT] create SearchTextField by @nijuy in #76
- [FEAT] config react docgen typescript by @Hanna922 in #85
🐞 Fixed a Bug
- [FIX] exciting 'build fail -> success' by @Hanna922 in #68
- [FIX] remove unused field in SimpleTextFieldProps by @nijuy in #74
- [FIX] release template by @Hanna922 in #88
🫶🏻 Improve User Experience
- [DOCS, REFACTOR] text field props by @Hanna922 in #72
- [DOCS, REFACTOR] modify 'OnlyBGColor' condition by @nijuy in #87
🛠️ Strive for Better Code
- [FEAT] add extension recommendations by @Hanna922 in #81
- [REFACTOR] modify to fit the web by @nijuy in #84
👩🏻💻 ETC
What's Changed
Full Changelog:[email protected]...@yourssu/[email protected]
@yourssu/[email protected]
🐞 Fixed a Bug
- [FIX] tsc error in Toast (#57) by @Hanna922
- [FIX] Icon displayName in icon storybook (#61) by @nijuy
🫶🏻 Improve User Experience
🛠️ Strive for Better Code
- [REFACTOR] Remove GlobalStyle Warning & Unused Package (#53) by @Hanna922
- [CHORE] yarn -> pnpm, storybook version upgrade (#56, #68) by @Hanna922
👩🏻💻 ETC
- [CONFIG, FIX] Setting NPM Github Workflows (#51, #68) by @Hanna922
- [CONFIG] Setting release note template (#64) by @Hanna922
- [MERGE] Merged hotfixes in main branch, also merged into default branch(develop) (#68) by @Hanna922
What's Changed
Full Changelog:[email protected]...@yourssu/[email protected]