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A library that helps keep track of text written to the console and efficiently writes only the difference with the updated text instead of rewriting all of it.


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Console Diff Writer

.NuGet Publish NuGet

A library that helps keep track of text written to the console and efficiently writes only the difference with the updated text instead of rewriting all of it.

Getting Started Examples

Note that if a Point is not specified in the Diff constructor, the diff will be tracked starting the current Console cursor position.


String (or Char)

using YonatanMankovich.ConsoleDiffWriter;

StringDiff diff = new StringDiff(); // Or use 'CharDiff' if needed.

diff.WriteDiff("0123456789"); // Write the initial string.
diff.WriteDiff("01234X6789"); // Only the 'X' will be written.
diff.WriteDiff("01234X678"); // The '9' will be overwritten with a space char.

// If writing to a specific point is desired:
StringDiff diffAtPoint = new StringDiff(new Point (6, 9));

String Lines

using YonatanMankovich.ConsoleDiffWriter;

LinesDiff diff = new LinesDiff();

diff.WriteDiff(new List<string>()
}); // Write the initial lines.

diff.WriteDiff(new List<string>()
}); // Only '##' will be overwritten with 'XX'.

diff.WriteDiff(new List<string>()
}); // The last line will be overwritten with spaces.

// If writing to a specific point is desired:
LinesDiff diffAtPoint = new LinesDiff(new Point (6, 9));


Everything is the same as before but now in color. See SimpleColorConsole for methods for working with colored characters, strings, and lines.

ColorString (or ColorChar) and ColorLines

using YonatanMankovich.ConsoleDiffWriter.Color;
using YonatanMankovich.SimpleColorConsole;

 // Or use 'ColorCharDiff' or 'ColorLinesDiff' if needed.
ColorStringDiff diff = new ColorStringDiff();

diff.WriteDiff("0123456789".TextYellow()); // Write the initial string.
diff.WriteDiff("01234X6789".TextYellow()); // Only the 'X' will be written.

 // The '9' will be overwritten with a blue character.
diff.WriteDiff("01234X678".TextYellow() + new ColorChar('9').BackBlue());

// If writing to a specific point is desired:
ColorStringDiff diffAtPoint = new ColorStringDiff(new Point (6, 9));

Behavioral Note

'/n', '/r', '/t' characters will not work. If a multi-line string is needed, use string lists or ColorLines.

My Other Projects That Use This Library

Command Line Minesweeper


A library that helps keep track of text written to the console and efficiently writes only the difference with the updated text instead of rewriting all of it.





