A library that helps keep track of text written to the console and efficiently writes only the difference with the updated text instead of rewriting all of it.
Note that if a Point
is not specified in the Diff
constructor, the diff will be tracked starting the current Console
cursor position.
using YonatanMankovich.ConsoleDiffWriter;
StringDiff diff = new StringDiff(); // Or use 'CharDiff' if needed.
diff.WriteDiff("0123456789"); // Write the initial string.
diff.WriteDiff("01234X6789"); // Only the 'X' will be written.
diff.WriteDiff("01234X678"); // The '9' will be overwritten with a space char.
// If writing to a specific point is desired:
StringDiff diffAtPoint = new StringDiff(new Point (6, 9));
using YonatanMankovich.ConsoleDiffWriter;
LinesDiff diff = new LinesDiff();
diff.WriteDiff(new List<string>()
}); // Write the initial lines.
diff.WriteDiff(new List<string>()
}); // Only '##' will be overwritten with 'XX'.
diff.WriteDiff(new List<string>()
}); // The last line will be overwritten with spaces.
// If writing to a specific point is desired:
LinesDiff diffAtPoint = new LinesDiff(new Point (6, 9));
Everything is the same as before but now in color. See SimpleColorConsole
for methods for working with colored characters, strings, and lines.
using YonatanMankovich.ConsoleDiffWriter.Color;
using YonatanMankovich.SimpleColorConsole;
// Or use 'ColorCharDiff' or 'ColorLinesDiff' if needed.
ColorStringDiff diff = new ColorStringDiff();
diff.WriteDiff("0123456789".TextYellow()); // Write the initial string.
diff.WriteDiff("01234X6789".TextYellow()); // Only the 'X' will be written.
// The '9' will be overwritten with a blue character.
diff.WriteDiff("01234X678".TextYellow() + new ColorChar('9').BackBlue());
// If writing to a specific point is desired:
ColorStringDiff diffAtPoint = new ColorStringDiff(new Point (6, 9));
, '/r'
, '/t'
characters will not work. If a multi-line string is needed, use string lists or ColorLines