To enable a dynarec CPU core you must pass the WITH_DYNAREC value to make:
- make WITH_DYNAREC=x86
- make WITH_DYNAREC=x86_64
- make WITH_DYNAREC=arm
New make options:
- USE_CXD4_NEW - use the most recent version of CXD4 that was verified on Android
- USE_SSE2NEON - enable SSE2 vectorized routines on ARMv7+ via hacked SSE2NEON library
To build Android hardfp library with the new CXD4 RSP + NEON + Parallel RDP do:
- ndk-build -j8 HAVE_PARALLEL_ONLY=1 USE_CXD4_NEW=1 USE_SSE2NEON=1 APP_ABI=armeabi-v7a-hard