name: "Yogesh Surapaneni"
college: "University of Hyderabad"
year: 4
course: "Integrated MTECH in Computer Science"
city: "Hyderabad"
print(f"Currently learning : {Deep Learning}")
System.out.println("Love integrating " + Technologies);
cout << "Passionate " << Developer << endl;
console.log(`Think Code Repeat!`);
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected], +91 7330893359
- 💬 Ask me about ML & DL, DevOps, Cloud, Anime
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him
- Multi-cloud K8s cluster with Terraform and Ansible
- GUI Apps and Desktop Environment on Docker
- Setup a unique Network Topology
- Load var files based on ansible facts
- Configuring Containers with Ansible dynamically