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Geolocation IP Detection

Provides geographic information detected by an IP adress.


Provides geographic information detected by an IP adress. This can be used in themes or other plugins, as a shortcode, or via CSS body classes. The city & country names are translated in different languages (supported languages).

= Features: =

  • You can use one of these data sources (see comparison):
  • Provides these 5 functions (see API Documentation):
    • geoip_detect2_get_info_from_ip($ip, $locales = array('en'), $options = array()): Lookup Geo-Information of the specified IP
    • geoip_detect2_get_info_from_current_ip($locales = array('en'), $options = array()): Lookup Geo-Information of the current website user
    • geoip_detect2_get_current_source_description(...): Return a human-readable label of the currently chosen source.
    • geoip_detect2_get_external_ip_adress(): Fetch the internet adress of the webserver
    • geoip_detect2_get_client_ip(): Get client IP (even if it is behind a reverse proxy)
  • For the property names, see the results of a specific IP in the wordpress backend (under Tools > Geolocation IP Detection).
  • You can include these properties into your posts and pages by using the shortcode [geoip_detect2 property="" default="(country could not be detected)" lang="en"] (where '' can be one of the other property names as well, and 'default' and 'lang' are optional).
  • You can show or hide content by using a shortcode [geoip_detect2_show_if country="FR, DE" not_city="Berlin"]TEXT[/geoip_detect2_show_if]. See Shortcode Documentation.
  • When enabled on the options page, it adds CSS classes to the body tag such as geoip-province-HE, geoip-country-DE and geoip-continent-EU.
  • If you are using a page cache, it is recommended to use the AJAX mode (see AJAX)
  • When enabled on the options page, the client IP respects a reverse proxy of the server.
  • If you are using Contact Form 7, you can use these shortcodes:
    • A select input with all countries, the detected country being selected by default: [geoip_detect2_countries mycountry]
    • A text input that is pre-filled with the detected city (or other property): [geoip_detect2_text_input city property:city lang:fr id:id class:class default:Paris]
    • Geolocation information for the email text: [geoip_detect2_user_info]
  • If you are using WP Forms, you can use this shortcode:
    • Geolocation information for the email text: [geoip_detect2_user_info]
  • Together with SVG Flags you can show the flag of the detected country: [geoip_detect2_current_flag] (see documentation)

See Documentation for more info.

= How can I use these functions? =

  • You could choose the currency of the store based on the country name
  • You could pre-fill the shipping country
  • You could show the store nearest to your customer
  • You show or hide content specific to a geographic target group
  • Etc. ... You tell me! I'm rather curious what you'll do with this plugin!
  • Be careful to comply to the applicable laws. For example Regulation (EU) 2018/302 ...
  • If you need to get the user's timezone, it is more accurate to use JS solutions.

System Requirements: You will need at least PHP 7.2.5 . Also, if you use the plugin WooCommerce, you'll need at least WooCommerce 3.9.0 .

GDPR: See Is this plugin GDPR-compliant?

This extension is "charity-ware". If you are happy with it, please leave a tip for the benefit of this charity. (See FAQ for more infos.)

Here are other ways to contribute to the development of this plugin.

This product can provide GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from


  • Install the plugin
  • Go to the plugin's option page and choose a data source.
  • Test it by clicking on "Lookup" on the lookup page.


  • Does geoip_detect2_get_info_from_current_ip() return the same country, regardless of where you are visiting the site from?
  • Maybe your server has a reverse proxy configured. You can check this: Go to the options page and look for "reverse proxy". Are there 2 IPs listed there? If so, which one corresponds to your public IP?
  • Or maybe you are using a site cache plugin. Then enable the option Disable caching a page that contains a shortcode or API call to geo-dependent functions.

More Troubleshooting Hints

Frequently Asked Questions

Technically speaking, how could I verify if my visitor comes from Germany?

How can I show text only if the visitor is coming from Germany?

How can I add the current country name as text in my page?

Which data source should I choose?

Can I change the time period how long the data is cached?

The Maxmind Lite databases are restricted by an EULA. Can I host a form where users can look-up the geographic information of an IP?

Does this plugin work in a MultiSite-Network environment?

Is this plugin GDPR-compliant?

What does "Privacy Exclusions" mean?

What do you mean by "This plugin is charity-ware"?

Further documentation

PHP Functions

JS Functions for AJAX mode


Shortcodes for Contact Form 7

Record Properties

API usage examples


  1. Lookup page (under Tools > Geolocation Lookup)
  2. Options page (under Preferences > Geolocation IP Detection)

= 5.5.0 =

When using the default datasource "", the region code (i.e. CA) is now correctly moved to the property mostSpecificSubdivision (previously, it was part of the property city)

= 5.0.0 =

If you are using AJAX mode, please read the changelog.


= 5.5.0 =

  • FIX [!]: In the datasource "", the region code (i.e. CA) is now correctly moved to the property mostSpecificSubdivision (previously, it was part of the property city)
  • Library updates

= 5.4.1 =

= 5.4.0 =

  • NEW: Infos can be added to a mail sent by WPForms (with Smart Tag {geoip_detect2_user_info})
  • FIX: Remove Fatal Error on uninstall ("Undefined constand GEOIP_DETECT_DEBUG")
  • Library updates

= 5.3.2 =

  • FIX: Some country codes such as "PT" were missing in the (deprecated) legacy API mapping.
  • FIX: Maxmind compatibility does not show a notice anymore when the plugin folder is non-standard (e.g. due to symlinks) or the Filename ends with Reader.php
  • Library updates

= 5.3.1 =

  • FIX: Respect JS file variant
  • UI: Show selected file variant in backend options
  • Library updates

= 5.3.0 =

= 5.2.2 =

  • FIX: The format for new Maxmind licence keys has changed. (Existing licence keys will continue to work.) (5.2.1 was a broken release)

= 5.2.0 =

  • NEW: The list of reverse proxies of AWS CloudFront or CloudFlare can now be added as "known proxy"
  • FIX [!]: AWS Cloudfront header name changed to HTTP_CLOUDFRONT_VIEWER_COUNTRY
  • Reduced JS size (AJAX mode)
  • Library updates

= 5.1.1 =

  • NEW: For the reverse proxy configuration, internal adresses (such as are now whitelisted by default. You can override this behaviour by using the wordpress filter geoip_detect2_client_ip_whitelist_internal_ips.
  • NEW: Body classes now include the city name in English (e.g. geoip-city-Munich)
  • FIX: Some server configurations showed this warning: Use of undefined constant CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2_0

= 5.1.0 = New Datasource: Fastah Web API (beta), see

AJAX mode:

  • NEW: The JS function geoip_detect.set_override_with_merge can modify the override record in one property, merging it with the currently saved property

Other minor changes:

  • FIX: In non-AJAX mode, properties such as "" can be accessed again
  • FIX: Automatic download of Maxmind database now also works when the temp folder is group/world writeable (as in AWS configurations)
  • If you want to enable more Warnings (e.g. while debugging), you can add define('GEOIP_DETECT_DEBUG', true) to your wp-config.php or so.
  • Library updates

= 5.0.0 = In this release, there a small breaking changes marked by [!].

AJAX mode:

  • FIX [!]: Empty attribute values such as [geoip_detect2_show_if country=""]Country was not detected[/geoip_detect2_show_if] are now working (they were ignored before)
  • FIX [!]: Shortcodes that have an invalid value for the property ajax (e.g. [geoip_detect2_text_input ajax="invalid"]) are now using the AJAX option instead of always disabling AJAX
  • FIX: In CF7, the country selector can now be used in AJAX mode
  • FIX: In AJAX mode, the shortcode [geoip_detect2_show_if] renders as a <div> if it detects that the containing content has HTML block level elements
  • NEW (Beta): In AJAX mode, the new property autosave saves the user input as local override for this browser. [geoip_detect2_countries mycountry autosave] and [geoip_detect2_text_input city property:city autosave]. (Please give feedback if this works as expected!)
  • FIX: In AJAX mode, calling the method set_override(record, duration_in_days) now refreshes the AJAX shortcodes and CSS body classes. -> Thus, it is now possible to quickly implement different content for different countries with an autodetected default country, see

Other changes:

  • NEW: Drastically improving performance if the lookup is performed for the current IP more than once (e.g. because of shortcodes without AJAX mode)
  • UI: Showing the time for the subsequent lookup on the Test Lookup page
  • FIX: Maxmind Datasource: Check if the database file is really a file, not a directory
  • NEW: Header Datasource: Now a custom HTTP header can be used via the wordpress filter geoip_detect2_source_header_http_key

Other minor changes:

  • Update the list of available APIs for getting the external IP (as whatismyip went down)
  • Minimum Wordpress version is 5.4 now.
  • Update some internal libraries & dev tools
  • Checked compatibility with PHP 8.1

The code of the plugin has not changed much, I have named this version 3.0 to indicate the major change on Maxmind's side of things. They explain it in this blog post:

Older changelog