This code is for paper HETFORMER: Heterogeneous Transformer with Sparse Attention forLong-Text Extractive Summarization
Python version: This code is in Python3.6
Package Requirements: pytorch pytorch_pretrained_bert tensorboardX multiprocess pyrouge tensorboardX nlp rouge_score
Some codes are borrowed from BertSum( and Longformer(
unzip the zipfile and put all .pt
files into cnndm_cluster
and multinews_cluster
First run: For the first time, you should use single-GPU, so the code can download the BERT model.
Change -visible_gpus 0,1,2 -gpu_ranks 0,1,2 -world_size 3
to -visible_gpus 0 -gpu_ranks 0 -world_size 1
, after
downloading, you could kill the process and rerun the code with multi-GPUs.
To train the HETFORMER model, run:
-mode train
-encoder classifier
-dropout 0.1
-bert_data_path ../cnndm_cluster/cnndm
-model_path ../models/cnndm
-lr 2e-3 -visible_gpus 0,1,2
-gpu_ranks 0,1,2
-world_size 1
-attention_window [16,16,32,32,64,64,128,128,256,256,256,256]
-report_every 50
-save_checkpoint_steps 1000
-batch_size 3000
-decay_method noam
-train_steps 50000
-accum_count 2
-log_file ../logs/cnndm
-use_interval true
-warmup_steps 10000
can be {train, validate, test
}, wherevalidate
will inspect the model directory and evaluate the model for each newly saved checkpoint,test
need to be used with-test_from
, indicating the checkpoint you want to use- Change attention_windon to [64,64,128,128,256,256,512,512,512,512,512,512] on Multinews Dataset
After the training finished, run
-mode test
-bert_data_path ../cnndm_cluster/cnndm
-test_from MODEL_PATH
-batch_size 30000
-result_path RESULT_PATH
-block_trigram true
-top_n_sentence 3
is the directory of saved checkpointsRESULT_PATH
is where you want to put decoded summaries (default../results/cnndm
)- Change top_n_sentence to 9 in Multinews Dataset