Releases: yechun1/robot_devkit
Releases · yechun1/robot_devkit
Robot DevKit 0.1.1
Release Notes for Robot DevKit 0.1.1
New features:
- Supported ROS2 dashing release
- DevKit installer robustness and performance improvement, especially for timeout issue and unattended installation
- Upgraded librealsense from 2.17.0 to latest one (now is 2.24.0)
- Upgraded OpenVINO from 2018_R5 to 2019_R1 to support yolov2 model and result filtering for object detection
Known Issues:
- TurtleBot3 for dashing is still ongoing, so hardware related features are not actually verified (SLAM, Navigate with TurtleBot3)
- Realsense for SLAM and Navigation is not verified for the same reason
- Manually download ROS2 public key for installation, workaround for "public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY F42ED6FBAB17C654" (ros2/ros2#742)