A gRPC based etcd client which supports etcd V3 api, written in node.js
- etcd version supported: > 3.0.0
- node.js version supported: > 0.12 (grpc only works on node 0.12 or above)
- Currently it supports some but not all v3.0 APIs (Adding). Please check out this for more about etcd official API.
- Proto files are directly copied from etcd repo, if there is something wrong, please check create an issue here and follow the etcd official proto files.
npm install etcd-node-client
KV service:
- put
- range
- deleteRange
- txn
- compact
Lease service:
- leaseGrant
- leaseRevoke
Watch service: Watch service is a streaming api, please check this out
- status (same as official api)
- getLeaderId
- Create a client:
var etcd = require('etcd-node-client');
var endpoints = ['', '', ''];
var lbAlgorithm = 'RoundRobin';
var client = new etcd.Client(endpoints, lbAlgorithm);
- Put a kv value:
key: new Buffer('name'),
value: new Buffer('mario'),
lease: 0
},function (err, res) {
if (err) {
- get a kv value:
key: new Buffer('name'),
limit: 1,
revision: 0,
sort_order: 'NONE',
sort_target: 'KEY',
serializable: true,
keys_only: false,
count_only: false
}, function (err, res) {
console.log(res.kvs[0].value.toString()); //This will print 'mario'
- Delete a kv value:
key: new Buffer('name')
}, function (err, res) {
if (err) {
- Transaction ops:
compare: [
result: 'EQUAL',
target: 'CREATE',
key: new Buffer('name'),
version: 1
success: [
request_put: {
key: new Buffer('id'),
value: new Buffer('123'),
lease: 0}
request_put: {
key: new Buffer('uid'),
value: new Buffer('yoyoyo'),
lease: 0
failure: []
}, function (err, res) {
if (err) {
Watch is a bit different from the official v3 api, this is how we use watch:
- Create a watcher on a key:
client.watcher.create({create_request: new Buffer('uid')});
- A watcher created:
client.watcher.on('created', function (request, id) {
console.log(request.key + ''); //request is the watch reqeust body, it contains watched key and other info.
console.log(id); //id is the watch_id when a key watcher created successfully.
- Cancel/delete a watcher:
client.watcher.cancel('0'); //'0' is the watcher id which associated to the watched key.
- A watcher canceled/deleted:
client.watcher.on('canceled', function (id) {
console.log(id); //id is the watcher id.
- Events happened on a watcher:
client.watcher.on('events', function (res) {
res has two fields: 'id' and 'events'
id is the watcher id
events is an array which contains all events happened:
{id: '1'
events: [ { type: 'PUT',
{ key: [Object],
create_revision: '449',
mod_revision: '449',
version: '1',
value: [Object],
lease: '0' },
prev_kv: null } ]}
- Close the watch stream:
client.watcher.close(message); //message is optional
- status
client.maintenance.status(function(err, res) {
console.dir(res); //res is the response object
- getLeaderId
client.maintenance.getLeaderId(function (err, res) {
console.log(res); //res should be the leader id, like '10501334649042878790'
- MIT.