assh - select your servers from aws with ncurses and then ssh easily - or do something else with them.
assh brings a list of servers from your AWS account. Search, move, Hit enter to select one, then ssh (or whatever you want) to them.
Its extendible, so you can add some other commands - use it with fabric, ansible, ssh etc.
Because servers come and go, and i started hating the questions "Do we have 2 appservers in X project or 3 ? ", "was it or".
use pip to install
pip install assh
then create a python file in your ~/.assh directory with somename
mkdir ~/.assh
vim ~/.assh/
add your AWS account info
AWS_REGION = 'us-east-1'
a region also can be a list eg AWS_REGION = ['us-east-1', 'us-east-2']
and then you can
assh project ssh
select your fav. server and hit enter.
you can also extend and override commands in file
def cmd_SSH(self, line):
return 'ssh -i ~/.ssh/project.pem ubuntu@%s' % line
for more examples about adding your own commands, please see
using fabric
assh project fab -P -- 'uptime && df -h'
assh project fab -P uptime
assh project ssh
assh project graph_cpu
you can also filter by tags
# show only worker instances - ones tagged with Role as worker
assh --filter-tag=Role:worker project ssh
# if we can only show one instance we don't show curses ui and jump directly to command
assh --filter-tag=Name:app1 project ssh
# because filtering with name is so common there is a shortcut
assh -N app1 project ssh
# we can pipe the servers name to another application with noop command
assh -N app1 project noop | xargs ssh -i ~/.ssh/foo.pem