Releases: yarongilor/gemini
Releases · yarongilor/gemini
- c4a4a8f Merge pull request scylladb#375 from illia-li/il/add-store-queries_syncer
- c819a9a Merge pull request scylladb#376 from scylladb/dk/370-gemini-generates-mutations-non-deterministically
- 8442ad5 Merge pull request scylladb#381 from illia-li/il/add-typedef_generators-schema_tests_add
- 232dcbc Merge pull request scylladb#389 from cvybhu/timegen
- 7e88328 Merge pull request scylladb#390 from illia-li/il/fix-jobs-fix_wrong_logic_genMultiplePartitionQuery
- d8ed0df Merge pull request scylladb#391 from illia-li/il/fix-store-add_simple_compare
- 7f032c3 Merge pull request scylladb#392 from scylladb/dk/388-gemini-failed-writing-to-a-map-type-column-mutation-statement-generation-failederrorjson-unsupported-type-mapinterface-interface
- bb5f54c Merge pull request scylladb#394 from scylladb/dk/enable-random-seeds
- 3574496 Merge pull request scylladb#395 from scylladb/393-there-is-a-case-when-gethash-would-not-ever-return-hash-that-matches-certain-partitions
- 37b5a51 Merge pull request scylladb#397 from scylladb/396-values-are-not-cerculating-properly-from-new-to-old
- d351b0e Merge pull request scylladb#399 from scylladb/398-addifnotpresent-to-be-run-early
- 7732683 Release v1.8.7
- e64e8e7 add(generators) add test for GenSchema with different seeds
- 94f8ad5 add(store): makes Check func do queries on test and oracle stores parallel
- 7c33379 add(store): makes Mutate func do queries on test and oracle stores parallel
- bf6e13c add(typedef) add marshal and unmarshal test for full cases schema
- cb5d494 feat(gemini): make schema seed and workload seed random
- ab185de feat(root): introduce --schema-seed
- c300396 feat(root): make seed parameters strings
- a15c155 fix(MapType): make maps great again
- 88fee5e fix(generator): check of inflight conflict early
- 420a85c fix(generators): address problem when size ot pk is too small
- ae1d81c fix(generotrs): update schema generation to use standalone seed
- c402a25 fix(jobs): fix pk values circulating
- 86296e8 fix(jobs): fix wrong PK processing logic in genMultiplePartitionQuery funcs
- a2d5a4e fix(jobs): update tests data
- 0b6a06b fix(root): make stopsignal stop warmup
- 6f7c971 fix(root): make test continue after warmup
- 3ca0136 fix(store): add simple compare function to avoid complex diff generation
- b2cee4a fix(utils): generate time values in the correct range