‘Wheels’ is an app that provides users with comprehensive route information across four major bus operators in Hong Kong, more specifically Kowloon Motor Bus (KMB), Long Win Bus (LWB), CityBus (CTB) and New World First Bus (NWFB). It is intended to liberate one from the tedious task of accessing multiple apps for ETA (expected time of arrival) of routes operated by different companies.
For details of the project, please visit my workspace on Notion using the following link: https://www.notion.so/Wheels-Rethinking-bus-apps-in-Hong-Kong-593d28d5da2c4f43ab7cbd59df237604
香港多間巴士公司營運橫跨港九新界的路線,然而每當我們要跨區工作搭巴士就需要下載不同的 app去看到站預報;九巴的 APP1933 和新創建集團的新巴城巴 app,兩者缺一不可......
大家好,'Wheels' 是一個提供九巴、龍運、城巴、新巴(下稱四巴)的資訊的平台。
歡迎你到以下的網址參閱看看這個 project 的詳細說明、筆錄: https://www.notion.so/Wheels-Rethinking-bus-apps-in-Hong-Kong-593d28d5da2c4f43ab7cbd59df237604