A very simple HTTPDNS Server Script based on PHP.
Upload Server/httpdns.php to your htdocs, and set correct permission to let users can access this file at http(s)://yourhost:port/dirofthisphpfile/httpdns.php To create Database tables, run http(s)://yourhost:port/dirofthisphpfile/install.php(Change config.php first)
上传到你的服务器,设定适当的权限让用户可以访问httpdns.php,然后用install.php安装(先改config.php里的数据库信息)。 #Useage Request the domain by use Get method.
Parameter 'src' means users networks, you can define it yourself.
If src not given, it will ignore src column.
The return valure is JSON of your request domain and the IP address of this domain you request.
Like this :
If the domain was not found, will return null.
Like this :
And if not found a Get method request, it will return "Wrong Request!"
如果请求方式不对什么的,就会返回"Wrong Request!"
Domain DB management page at http(s)://yourhost:port/dirofthisphpfile/admintools/changedomaindb.php
Cache management page at http(s)://yourhost:port/dirofthisphpfile/admintools/showcache.php
#TODO List
Add cache function添加缓存功能省着每次被请求不在数据库的域名的时候都查询DNS
Add priority level of IPs添加优先级控制
Given different IPs if users use different networks添加区分用户网络以调度合适运营商机房的功能
Add load balancing function based on priority level添加简单的基于优先级的负载均衡功能