This is a material for the webinar "Serverless with AWS CDK" in 2022 Summer.
Serverless や SST などのフレームワークを用いずに、AWS CDK だけでウェブアプリケーションをデプロイします。 今回は Fastify と TypeScript で書かれたAPIサーバーをAPI Gateway + Lambda でホストします。
Now we try to deploy a web application on AWS without serverless frameworks e.g. Serverless, SST but only using AWS CDK. The application is made with Fastify and written in TypeScript, then it will be served through API Gateway + Lambda.
Please be noted that following settings are required when you try by yourself.
(1) すべての npm script の実行のに際しては以下の環境変数の設定が必要です。
(1) Before executing every npm script, you need to set environment variables below;
(2) 最初に AWS CDK の bootstrap が必要です
(2) At first you need bootstrapping with the CDK command below;
cdk bootstrap aws://{{your_AWS_account}}/{{AWS_region}}