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A simple Haskell progress bar for the console. Heavily borrows from TJ Holowaychuk's Node.JS project


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A simple Haskell progress bar for the console. Heavily borrows from TJ Holowaychuk's Node.JS project progress.


Packages Using ascii-progress

Basic Usage

import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Monad (unless)
import System.Console.AsciiProgress (Options(..), displayConsoleRegions,
                                     isComplete, def, newProgressBar, tick)

main :: IO ()
main = displayConsoleRegions $ do
    pg <- newProgressBar def { pgWidth = 50 }
    loop pg
    loop pg = do
        b <- isComplete pg
        unless b $ do
            threadDelay $ 200 * 1000
            tick pg
            loop pg

Full documentation on hackage

Multiple progress bar support

Though still rudimentary, there's support for running multiple concurrent progress bars. The multi-example shows off this feature: demo-multi


The bin directory contains the example above and a more complex example which uses http-conduit to download an image from imgur, printing the progress using the package.

To build the examples, just configure and compile with -fexamples:

git clone
cabal install -j --only-dep -fexamples
cabal configure -fexamples
cabal run example
# ...
cabal run download-example


ascii-progress uses an Options data type for configuring the progress bar. Available options are:

pgFormat :: String

A format String for the progress bar. The following placeholders are supported:

  • ":eta" (ETA displayed in seconds)
  • ":current" (current tick)
  • ":total" (total number of ticks)
  • ":percent" (percentage completed)
  • ":elapsed" (elapsed time in seconds)
  • ":bar" (the actual progress bar)


main = do
    pg <- newProgressBar def { pgFormat = ":current/:total [:bar]" }
    -- ...

pgCompletedChar :: Char

The character used on the completed part of the bar

There's an example which mimicks the NPM3 progress-bar. It looks like:

Working ╢████████████████████████████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟

pgPendingChar :: Char

The character used on the completed part of the bar

pgTotal :: Int

The total amount of ticks for the bar to be completed

pgWidth :: Int

The progress bar's total width in columns

pgOnCompletion :: Maybe String

What to output when the progress bar is done. The same format placeholders used in pgFormat may be used.

pgGetProgressStr :: Options -> Stats -> String

If all else fails, you can provide a function which determines how a progress-bar is rendered.


This package is published to hackage as ascii-progress, so you can install it with:

cabal install ascii-progress

It's also part of stackage.


This code is licensed under the MIT license for Pedro Tacla Yamada. For more information please refer to the LICENSE file.


A simple Haskell progress bar for the console. Heavily borrows from TJ Holowaychuk's Node.JS project







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