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e-ryu edited this page Jan 7, 2016 · 1 revision

This document is a bit overdue for latest version , we will update this document soon.

The scanner configurations is now moved to Source monitor tab of RunConfiguration after 1.3.2


RunJettyRun Configurations for 1.3

Run Configuration



  1. Jetty Version , if you install Jetty7/Jetty8 support , here you could select the version you like . Default is Jetty6. (#1)
  2. Project , usually the selected one. It's seldom to changed.
  3. The port , which should not conflict with other existing service or web container , by default is 8080.
  4. context path, which will be part of your URL, it should start with "/".
  5. Web application directory ,system will look out the one contains WEB-INF/web.xml , so usually we seldom change it.
  6. Scan - A button to help you search the folder that contains "WEB-INF/web.xml".
  7. Only visible when you have M2Eclipse installed, it will exclude all the classpath that endwith test-classes folder.A specific feature for maven project. (Reference to Issue 42 )
  8. Advanced Options : Kind of expert mode.
  9. SSL support , check and enter all the data you need , since it's seldom used feature ,it's disabled by default.
  10. Scanner: Source scanner will scan all the source folder (but not the WEB-INF) , and restart the server when you updated the source code or some resource in the folder , like hibernate.cfg.xml ...etc
  11. Scanner Interval: the scanner period , default is 5 seconds.
  12. Scan web-inf folder , it's useful for you need to change web.xml or applicationContext.xml (spring) often and want to restart automatically, it is not enabled by default.
  13. parentLoaderPriority , a Jetty configuration , my suggestion is better to enable it . For more details , reference to Jetty Classloading.
  14. JNDI support : if you need JNDI , just enable it.
  15. A chance to exclude some classpath you don't like , it will use this to match each classpath one by one , if the classpath matched ,RJR won't load it . (The matched result will show up on the console.)

#1 If you select Jetty8 and need to work with JSP (most of projects need JSP support) , you have to configuration the Project JRE for a JDK version. That's the restriction of Jetty8.

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