Github 連結:
OS: Manjaro 21.0.2 Ornara
Kernel: x86_64 Linux 5.10.30-1-MANJARO
CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K @ 8x 4.4GHz
GPU: GeForce GTX 1070
RAM: 16GB DDR3 1866MHz
使用 rand 函式生成範圍內整數並寫入檔案
int randint(int dataSize) {
int x;
int i;
FILE* fp = fopen("dataset1.txt", "w"); //以寫入模式開啟檔案,如不存在則新建檔案。
srand(time(NULL)); //以時間來設定rand種子
for (i = 0; i < dataSize; i++) { //重複產生1000000筆整數
x = rand() % 10000000; //隨機範圍為10000000以內整數
fprintf(fp, "%d\n", x); //寫入檔案並換行
fclose(fp); //關閉檔案
return 0;
int randstring(int dataSize) {
int x;
int i, j;
FILE* fp = fopen("dataset2.txt", "w"); //以寫入模式開啟檔案,如不存在則新建檔案。
srand(time(NULL)); //以時間設定rand種子
for (i = 0; i < dataSize; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 100; j++) {
x = rand() % ('z' - 'A' + 1); //產生ASCII 'A'到'z'字元
while (x >= 26 && x <= 32) { //排除符號
x = rand() % ('z' - 'A');
fprintf(fp, "%c", 'A' + x); //寫入檔案
fprintf(fp, "\n");
fclose(fp); //關閉檔案
return 0;
Quick Sort 的想法是,先找一個基準點,然後派兩個代理人分別從資料的兩邊開始往中間找,如果右邊找到一個值比基準點小,左邊找到一個值比基準點大,就讓他們互換。反覆找並互換,直到兩個人相遇。然後再將相遇的點跟基準點互換。重複遞迴執行。
用來將陣列分成左右兩個部份,取其中一位為 pivot,將小於 pivot 的數放在 pivot 左邊,大於 pivot 的數放在右邊。
function partitionFunc(left, right, pivot)
leftPointer = left
rightPointer = right - 1
while True do
while A[++leftPointer] < pivot do //從左邊往右找第一個小於pivot的值
while rightPointer > 0 && A[--rightPointer] > pivot do //從右邊找第一個大於pivot的值
if leftPointer >= rightPointer //當左右兩個指標相遇時中止迴圈
swap leftPointer,rightPointer //對調找到的值,使小於pivot在左,大於pivot在右
swap leftPointer,right //將pivot換到中間
return leftPointer
用來遞迴呼叫 partition 函式,當不可再分割時中止遞迴。
procedure quickSort(left, right)
if right-left <= 0 //當分割只有一個數
pivot = A[right] //設pivot為其中一邊
partition = partitionFunc(left, right, pivot) //
quickSort(left,partition-1) //呼叫遞迴,傳入分割位置從最左邊到中間
quickSort(partition+1,right) //呼叫遞迴,傳入分割位置從中間到右邊
將原本的 Data List 切割成兩等分,將左、右的 Sublist 各自以 Merge Sort 排序,合併左右半部的兩個 Sublist 成為一個新的 Data List。
#### merge函式
procedure merge( c as a array, a as array, b as array )
arr1 as array
arr2 as array
copy a, b to arr1, arr2
while ( arr1 and arr2 have elements ) //當兩個陣列都還有盛
if ( arr1[0] > arr2[0] )
add arr2[0] to the end of c //比較a b第一項大小,小的加到原陣列
remove arr2[0] from arr2 //刪除第一項
add arr1[0] to the end of c //比較a b第一項大小,小的加到原陣列
remove arr1[0] from arr1 //刪除第一項
while ( arr1 has elements )
add arr1[0] to the end of c //將陣列剩下的部份都加到原陣列
remove arr1[0] from a
while ( arr2 has elements ) //將陣列剩下的部份都加到原陣列
add arr2[0] to the end of c
remove arr2[0] from arr2
procedure mergesort( c as array )
if ( n == 1 ) return a
var l1 as array = a[0] ... a[n/2] //分割陣列成兩部份,從第一項到中間
var l2 as array = a[n/2+1] ... a[n] //分割陣列成兩部份,從第一項到最後
l1 = mergesort( l1 ) //合併
l2 = mergesort( l2 ) //合併
return merge( l1, l2 )
建立heap,分為max heap與min heap,重複對調頭與尾並重新建立符合heap條件。
void heapify(int tree[], int i, int n) {
if (i >= n)
int lChild = 2 * i + 1;
int rChild = 2 * i + 2;
int max = i;
if (lChild < n && tree[lChild] > tree[max]) { //比較三個元素,找出最大者
max = lChild;
if (rChild < n && tree[rChild] > tree[max]) { //比較三個元素,找出最大者
max = rChild;
if (max != i) {
swap(tree, i, max); //最大者與parent交換
heapify(tree, max, n); //重新往下建立heap
void buildheap(int tree[], int n) {
int lastNode = n - 1;
int lastParent = (lastNode - 1) / 2; //取的最後元素的parent
int i;
for (i = lastParent; i >= 0; i--) { //由最後parent節點往上建立heap
heapify(tree, i, n);
void heapSort(int tree[], int n) {
int i;
buildheap(tree, n); //先建立heap
for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
swap(tree, i, 0); //將heap最上元素與最後對調
heapify(tree, 0, i); //重新建立heap
test1: quicksort finished in 122.00 ms
test2: quicksort finished in 121.29 ms
test3: quicksort finished in 119.80 ms
test4: quicksort finished in 124.32 ms
test5: quicksort finished in 121.83 ms
Average: 121.85
test1: quicksort finished in 468.69 ms
test2: quicksort finished in 485.50 ms
test3: quicksort finished in 520.39 ms
test4: quicksort finished in 436.72 ms
test5: quicksort finished in 502.85 ms
Average: 482.83
test1: mergesort finished in 169.48 ms
test2: mergesort finished in 177.72 ms
test3: mergesort finished in 171.75 ms
test4: mergesort finished in 175.42 ms
test5: mergesort finished in 192.61 ms
Average: 177.40
test1: mergesort finished in 489.23 ms
test2: mergesort finished in 448.99 ms
test3: mergesort finished in 507.94 ms
test4: mergesort finished in 475.70 ms
test5: mergesort finished in 487.46 ms
Average: 481.86
test1: heapsort finished in 311.15 ms
test2: heapsort finished in 310.18 ms
test3: heapsort finished in 303.47 ms
test4: heapsort finished in 321.27 ms
test5: heapsort finished in 332.52 ms
Average: 315.71
test1: heapsort finished in 1112.90 ms
test2: heapsort finished in 958.27 ms
test3: heapsort finished in 1055.74 ms
test4: heapsort finished in 1053.85 ms
test5: heapsort finished in 1182.31 ms
Average: 1072.61
#### 花費時間
Heapsort > Mergesort > Quicksort
Quicksort > Mergesort > Heapsort
- Best Case:Ο(n log n)
- Worst Case:Ο(n^2)
- Average Case:Ο(n log n)
- Best Case:Ο(n log n)
- Worst Case:Ο(n log n)
- Average Case:Ο(n log n)
- Best Case:Ο(n log n)
- Worst Case:Ο(n log n)
- Average Case:Ο(n log n)
- O(1)
- O(n)
- O(1)
如何撰寫虛擬碼 -
Makefile 語法和示範 -
更快的排序演算法——快速排序 (Quick Sort) -
Data Structure and Algorithms - Quick Sort -
Data Structures - Merge Sort Algorithm -
heapsort -
Time Complexities of all Sorting Algorithms -
Analysis of different sorting techniques -