- Backend
- Python, Django, MySQL, OpenCV, nginx, ECS
- Frontend
- Vue, Axios, Element plus, Rellax, Kinesis, Echarts
- Models
- PyTorch, Tensorflow
- User Management
- ORM framework
- model: face recognition + blinking detection for dynamic face login
- Pedestrian and Pet Recognition
- model: object detection
- Emotion Recognition
- model: micro expression recognition + emotion recognition
- Intrusion Detection
- model: face recognition
- Video Storage: H.264 encoded MP4 video before and after intrusion
- Model Service
- model: image captioning + 3D to 2D model + fall detection
- Disabilities Friendly
- model: gesture recognition
- Self-defined gestures
Requirement Analysis Document, Design Document, Testing Document, User Manual.
'family_monitor_server/' is the project container.
Under 'user/' are functionalities related to users.
Under 'recognition/' are functionalities related to models.
Under 'model/' are various models. If a model contains multiple files, please create a subfolder.
Below requires the command line working directory to be in the root folder of this repository.
python -m venv venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
When the command prompt displays (venv), it signifies that the virtual environment has been successfully activated.
One-click installation via requirements.txt, after entering the virtual environment in the previous step (venv), run the following command in the command line
pip install -r requirements.txt
Copy db_setting.cnf to the project root directory.
Copy the models sent in the group to the specified directory.
- Place model_U.pth under model/emotional_recognition/
- After extracting model.zip, place the four files in model/microexpression_recognition/model/
- Place shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat under model/isLive/gaze_tracking/trained_models/
- Place checkpoint.pt under model/gaze_vector/
- Place weight389123791.pth and weight493084032.pth under /model/image_caption/models/
- Place the 'Models' folder from the extracted Fall_Models under /model/fall-detect-track/