A Perl package suitable for current Logitech Media Server versions running on ARM7 based Synology DiskStations.
Synology's official Perl, currently offered in version 5.28.3) is not suitable to run Logitech Media Server -- a number of modules remain unresolved. Since I could not get this workig I decided to take the plunge an compile it myself using Perl-Cross.
Up to DSM6 I used a Debian chroot environment packaged as SPK to run the stock Linux debian LMS. With DSM7 this is no longer an option since SPK cannot use root anymore, so I went for a more compliant option with a supporting Perl package and LMS.
- Linux x86 machine for compilation
- Synology Cross Development
- An ARM7 based DiskStation running DSM7
Unpack and organize repos like so:
├── pkgscripts-ng/
└── source/
└── SlimPerl
You need to prepare the cross development environment:
cd somewhere/pkgscripts-ng/
git checout -b DSM7.0 origin/DSM7.0
sudo ./EnvDeploy -v 7.0 -p armada375
You also need this little patch to stop the build script from reporting a bogus build error:
--- a/include/errors.py
+++ b/include/errors.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ LOG_DIR = '/logs'
# "error_pattern": skip_list
"line.*syntax error": [],
- "Error": ['ignored', 'Error\.[c|o|h|cc|lo|Plo|js]', 'GPG Error', 'distclean'],
+ "Error": ['ignored', 'Error\.[c|o|h|cc|lo|Plo|js|pm]', 'GPG Error', 'distclean'],
"fatal error": [],
"missing separator": [],
"No rule to make target": ["clean", "distclean"],
Download sources:
cd somewhere/source/SlimPerl
cd somewhere/pkgscripts-ng/
sudo ./PkgCreate.py -p aramada375 SlimPerl