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Norman Walsh edited this page Oct 4, 2016
11 revisions
- Roll call: see attendee list and remote attendees
- Round table, introductions
- Users and impelementors both
- Some reports of success, some of failure
- Learning curve is steep; documentation is lacking
ACTION: Norm to rename the “archived-specification” Github repositoryACTION: Norm to republish the last XML drafts as “1.1”ACTION: Norm to setup xproc.org with Travis CI- ACTION: Norm to create standard library for exproc steps
- ACTION: Norm to move xprocbook.com it to github
- ACTION: Ari/Nic weigh in on the current community group
ACTION: Norm to turn the xproc repo into an org- ACTION: Norm, in November, to revisit the prospect of a workshop
- ACTION: Norm to convert pain points into Github issues
- ACTION: Henry to review issues and find relevant working group minutes
- Norm waffles on about the course of the WG.
- The W3C WG has close down
- There is a W3C Community Group but it has not seen a lot of activity (yet?)
- There is a WG note from July 2016, but it’s the December 2015 draft, before the WG shifted to thinking of an entirely new syntax
- Hypothesis: this group of people would be most
interested in an XProc V.next that was still
XML but fixed the most egregious problems.
- Some support for this hypothesis
- If XProc 1.0 didn’t exist, I’d prefer the direction
of XProc 2.0.
- Some support for the non-XML syntax
- Given that 1.0 does exist, and the XML syntax exists; incremental improvements seem best.
- A lot of support for the XML syntax; can be processed by XML tools
- Norm mutters about the size of the XML community
vs the broader developer community
- The major use of XProc today is publishing
toolchains: if you’re going to focus on a problem,
that’s a problem to focus on
- The trajectory of that problem is XML today; unclear what it will be in the future
- Note: W3C and IDPF have agreed to merge to work jointly on EPUB
- Thinking about XProc 1.1 as servicing that community would serve as a good focus
- Doing 2.0 is a very large risk; no gaurantee of a community. The 1.1 effort has a much nearer term community.
- ACTION: Norm to rename Github repository back to “specification” (from archived-specification) so all of the issue links work again. #facepalm
- ACTION: Norm will take the last XML draft from
the xproc20 branch and use it as the basis of a new
xproc11 branch.
- Unify the small-fixes, variables-everywhere, and flowchart drafts
- ETA: October 2016
- Group gazes at http://xproc.github.io/archived-specification/langspec/xproc20/head/xproc20/
- The major use of XProc today is publishing
toolchains: if you’re going to focus on a problem,
that’s a problem to focus on
Many of the issues below were discussed by the WG. See http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2015/06/10-12-minutes
See also: the June 2015 web archive; that’s where the substantive discussion occured.
- Poor support for text/binary documents
- JSON, CSV, JPG, ZIP, etc.
- Support on p:document, for example
- Extracting binaries from ZIP files
- Variables/parameters as nodes
- With types (as=)
- Variables anywhere
- Attribute value templates
- Can href on p:document be an AVT?
- Text value templates?
- Being able to import XSLT/XQuery functions
- Handling base URIs of documents
- Often have to manually set the base URIs
- Output port for validation results
- Already supported by p:validate-with-schematron
- XML Schema/RELAX NG “reports” of validation
- Unified reporting language for validation errors
- SVRL for all validation steps?
- Jing does’t report URI; we should consider making the error locations standard somehow
- Sequence of steps with multiple input and output
ports cannot be bound with default readable port
- Perhaps content-type specific ports?
- Can we support JSON more directly/interoperably
- cx:depends extension should be standardized
- cx:message extension should be standardized
- cx:eval extension should be standardized
- Random syntactic simplifications
<p:input port="source" href="test.xml"/>
<p:input port="source" step="fred" port="secondary"/>
- Allow step and port attributes on steps?
- Make exproc steps standard?
- Solve interop issue for exproc steps
- Extend p:unzip so that it can write to disk
- Document properties/metadata co-pipe
- Can we get serialization information about
secondary outputs from XSLT
- Missing Saxonica API?
- Provide option to have secondary outputs actually be written to disk
- Better/more valuable debugging output
- Extend error vocabulary?
- p:log improvements
- href as AVT?
- Create paths if they don’t exist
- Relax the “well-formed XML” requirement to “any XDM”
- Allow “any” XDM node(s) to flow through the pipeline
- Only check for “well-formed XML” at serialization
- Documentation issues
- Tutorials
- Examples
- Spin the wiki back up on github
- xprocbook.com
- “The spec is conceptually difficult to understand”
- Volunteers accepted
- Point xproc.org at something managed on github
- ACTION: Norm to setup xproc.org with Travis CI from a repository on Github
- Could we have “instructions” that aren’t steps?
- For x in 1 to 10?
- Choose?
- If?
- Documents and sequences of documents flow through
the pipeline; could we support the notion of “sets”
(nodes+names) flowing through the pipeline?
- Sets of documents are used in some publishing workflows
- Output of a pipeline that is an entire website
- A “resource manager”
- Should there be some named local storage, with in the context of a pipeline (or set of pipeline) executions.
- Probably addressed by URI, among other things
- Define p:collection() for the inputs to steps
- So that you can operation on a group of inputs
- XProc 1.1 can be based on XDM (XPath 2.0, 3.x?)
- Replace parameters inputs with maps
- Can p:for-each/p:iteration-source and
p:viewport/p:viewport-source be simplified
- Remove redundancy?
<p:iteration-source select="//section"/>
<p:variable name="class" select="/section/@class"/>
<p:iteration-source select="//section" as="element()"/>
<p:variable name="class" select="@class"/>
- How important is backwards compatibility?
- What about XQuery/XSLT 3.x?
- What about XSLT 3.x streaming?
- What is the use case for binary?
- Adding binary files to ZIPs?
- Standard format for pipeline documentation
- Like JavaDoc
- Possible community project?
- Standard way of performing unit tests on pipelines
- Make the XProc test suite runner more stable and useful?
- Collect additional tests
- Create new test suite for 1.1
- ACTION: Jim to review the old XProc issues list and make sure that any stragglers get caught
- See XML London paper re: interop issues
- There’s a Calabash->Morgana pipeline
- Different interpretations of the specs
- Does p:store create the folder structure?
- ACTION: Norm to create standard library for exproc steps
- Does XML Calabash do something magic here?
- Compatability is a goal; but not a requirement
- Backwards incompatibilities must be clearly documented
- Henry’s semantics work was about the 2.0 work. To the extent that we’ve refocused on 1.1, it’s less relevant
- Henry presents background on Markup Technology pipelines
- Henry writes on the blackboard (yes, an actual blackboard!)
- Dimensions along which the components of pipelines vary
- What flows?
- Markup Technology: Infoset items, documents, sequences, sets
- How do they flow?
- What does a step look like?
- A step is an operation on a pipeline
- What does a step implementation look like?
- There may be a variety of implementations depending on the other dimensions
- Do you pull input or do you provide handlers?
- Do you want to push or be called?
- What does a step look like?
- You start with a sequence of steps
- Look at the set of implementations you have of those steps
- “Compile” down to the set of implementations with appropriate shims
- Compiling establishes where the thread boundaries have to be
- What flows?
- Dimensions along which the components of pipelines vary
- ACTION: Henry to add his examples here.
- How to learn XProc? Cry. Or pray.
- Update and finish xprocbook.com?
- ACTION: Norm to move it to github, per xproc.org
- Roger Costello’s tutorial
- Examples on the xproc-dev mailing list
- Data<2>Type tutorial is a good reference
- Talk to Oxygen about adding support for Morgana XProc.
- Common “shim” for XML Calabash and Morgana?
- How can we increase the diversity in the XProc community?
- How do we translate excitement here into longer-term progress on language specifications?
- The current W3C Community Group is very clearly
focused on the 2.0 work: Data Pipelining Use Cases
- Rename?
- Start another one?
- ACTION: Ari/Nic weigh in on the current community group
- We have a github repo for specs/notes/impl/etc.
- ACTION: Norm to turn the xproc repo into an org
- We have a wiki on the github repo
- Another workshop?
- General sense of “yes”
- Spec hackathon?
- Co-located with XML Prague?
- Proposal: Two days, in Leipzig 7/8 Feb 2017
- ACTION: Norm to raise this again in late November
- Publish actions and agendas
- Could we have (semi-)regular meetings, perhaps hangouts?
- Schedule when we have results/actions to discuss?
- Continue to use xproc-dev mailing list for communications
- ACTION: Norm to convert pain points into Github issues
- Are “github projects” relevant?
- Gitter for xproc11 repo?
- ACTION: All to categorize issues as “addressed”
in the spec; add links as appropriate.
- ETA mid-November 2016
- ACTION: Henry to review issues and find relevant working group minutes
- Self-hosted “slack” for conversations
- ACTION: Gerrit to send link
- ODBC/SQL step
- Working with RDF
- p:validate-rdf-schema
- p:validate-json-schema
- Long running pipeline that listens to a port?
- Interaction with the user on the command-line?
- p:until (repeat until no change)
- p:wait-for-change (to the result of an HTTP GET, for example)
Which actions need to be done before another meeting?
- New spec draft (ETA Oct)
- Issues created and categorized issues (ETA Nov)
Henry reviews some “code phrases” from the working group.
- “Metadata pipe” (document properties)
- Everyone’s favorite problem with character entities:
they disappear after you read the document.
- How do you get
back in the output?
- How do you get
- The metadata pipe is a way of passing along information, for example, that you’d like entities.
- Clearly generalizes to serialization options for p:xslt outputs
- The media type also needs to be carried along
- So does the base URI
- This is all out-of-band information that you’d like to travel with the document.
- Pipes should be two part: the data pipe and the metadata pipe.
- In XProc 1.0, there are lots of things that don’t change if you don’t touch them (the step definitions tell you what is and isn’t changed).
- It’s a little harder to see how that extends to the metadata: if you go through an XSLT step, then the serialization options may have changed.
- Things that you do that change the base URI may not obviously change the base URI in the metadata pipe.
- “Getting this right will take some work.”
- Everyone’s favorite problem with character entities:
they disappear after you read the document.
- Thanks to Steven Pemberton, CWI, and W3C.nl for hosting us