Fourth project in "the odin project" JavaScript Course, it demonstrates JSON, OOP Principles as of other stuff. The Odin Project-JavaScript.
- Ability to create Projects
- Ability to create Todos inside a project
- Ability to Remove Todos
- All data will be stored in the local storage as a JSON file (you will not lose your data after refreshing)
- Dom manipulation
- Webpack bundler
- Handling local storage
- JSON format
- Some OOP Principles
- Putting { once: true } at the end of eventListeners so you don't keep adding eventListeners on top of each other (would cause unwanted behavior)
- Deploying projects that use webpack using netlify (which you can find below)
add dist & src files and commit them to github
git add dist
git add src
git commit -m "Initial dist & src subtree commit"
create gh-pages then push dist to it
git subtree push --prefix dist origin gh-pages
checkout to new branch then share src file with it
git checkout gh-pages
git checkout main src/
add and commit your changes
git add src
git commit -m "Add src to branch"
git push
git checkout main
then just go to netlify and deploy your project using on the new branch
This project was made by Xonin for The Odin Project.