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React Native Line

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Line SDK wrapper for React Native πŸš€


  • Android minSdkVersion needs to be at least version 24.
  • iOS deploymentTarget needs to be at least version 15.1.
  • LINE developer account with a channel created.


With Expo

  1. Install the JavaScript side with:

    npx expo install @xmartlabs/react-native-line
  2. Add the plugin expo-build-properties to your app.json:

    "plugins": [
          "ios": {
            "useFrameworks": "static" // This is required

With react-native-cli

  1. Install library:

    npm install @xmartlabs/react-native-line
    # --- or ---
    yarn add @xmartlabs/react-native-line
  2. Link native code:

    cd ios && pod install
  3. Change your AppDelegate to match the following:

    With Swift

    import RNLine
    override func application(_ application: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
      return LineLogin.application(application, open: url, options: options)

    With Objective-C

    #import "RNLine-Swift.h"
    - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url options:(NSDictionary<UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey,id> *)options
      return [LineLogin application:application open:url options:options];
  4. Insert the following snippet in your Info.plist to match the LINE documentation:



  1. Import the LineLogin module:

    import LineLogin from '@xmartlabs/react-native-line'
  2. Initialize the module with the setup method:

    useEffect(() => {
      LineLogin.setup({ channelId: 'YOUR_CHANNEL_ID' })
    }, [])
  3. Login with the login method:



Function Description
login(args?: LoginArguments): Promise<LoginResult> Starts the login flow of Line's SDK (Opens the apps if it's installed and defaults to the browser otherwise). It accepts the same argumements as the LineSDK, in an object { key: value }, defaults the same way as LineSDK too.
getCurrentAccessToken(): Promise<AccessToken> Returns the current access token for the currently logged in user.
getProfile(): Promise<UserProfile> Returns the profile of the currently logged in user.
logout(): Promise<void> Logs out the currently logged in user.
refreshToken(): Promise<AccessToken> Refreshes the access token and returns it.
verifyAccessToken(): Promise<AccessTokenVerifyResult> Verifies the access token and returns it.
getBotFriendshipStatus(): Promise<BotFriendshipStatus> Gets bot friendship status if configured.


If you want to see @xmartlabs/react-native-line in action, just move into the example folder and run npm install and then npm run ios/npm run android. By seeing its source code, you will have a better understanding of the library usage.


@xmartlabs/react-native-line is available under the MIT license. See the LICENCE file for more info.

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