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xloem edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 3 revisions

The headers and sourcefiles are stored separately in devkitpro, and are retrieved with git-svn using this block in .git/config:

[svn-remote "svn"]
    url =
    fetch = trunk/libogc/gc/wiiuse:refs/remotes/libogc-gc-wiiuse/trunk
    branches = branches/*/libogc/gc/wiiuse:refs/remotes/libogc-gc-wiiuse/branches/*
    tags = tags/libogc/*/gc/wiiuse:refs/remotes/libogc-gc-wiiuse/tags/*
    fetch = trunk/libogc/wiiuse:refs/remotes/libogc-wiiuse/trunk
    branches = branches/*/libogc/wiiuse:refs/remotes/libogc-wiiuse/branches/*
    tags = tags/libogc/*/wiiuse:refs/remotes/libogc-wiiuse/tags/*

Headers are contained within libogc-gc-wiiuse, and sources within libogc-wiiuse.

Each trunk is then subtree-merged into the src/ folder of the master branch, resulting in a directory layout similar to the original wiiuse releases.

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