This plugin adds task xitrumPackage
to your SBT
project to collect all dependency .jar files for standalone Scala programs.
Compared to one-jar solutions, xitrum-package is faster. It doesn't merge the .jar files together, the .jar files are left "as is".
xitrum-package is used in Scala web framework Xitrum.
Alternatively, you can use sbt-pack.
Suppose your project looks like this:
build.sbt project/ plugins.sbt src/ ... dirToCopy/ <-- Directory you want to copy to the packaged directory file1 file2 fileToCopy <-- File you want to copy to the packaged directory
Add to project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("tv.cntt" % "xitrum-package" % "1.9")
Add to build.sbt:
XitrumPackage.copy("dirToCopy", "fileToCopy")
sbt xitrumPackage
All dependency .jar files and .jar files generated from your project will be
copied to directory target/xitrum
target/ xitrum/ lib/ <-- Dependency .jar files are collected here dep1.jar dep2.jar yourProject.jar dirToCopy/ <-- The specified directory is copied here file1 file2 fileToCopy <-- The specified file is copied here
Note that even when you don't need to copy anything, you have to write in build.sbt:
If your SBT project has
many modules (subprojects)
and you want to add xitrum-package
to only several of them, you can use XitrumPackage.skip
// Shared settings used by many modules val sharedSettings = ... // For the default root project override lazy val settings = super.settings ++ XitrumPackage.skip // If you want to skip this module lazy val module1 = Project( id = "module1", base = file("module1"), settings = sharedSettings ++ Seq( name := "module1" ) ++ XitrumPackage.skip ) // If you want to xitrum-package this module lazy val app = Project( id = "main-app", base = file("main-app"), settings = sharedSettings ++ Seq( name := "main-app" ) ++ XitrumPackage.copy("bin", "config", "public") ).dependsOn(module1)
You should create a shell script to start your Scala program like this:
- (for *nix)
- runner.bat (for Windows)
Run example: mypackage.MyMainClass