- 项目可下载 core-common,自定义base代码。
- 暂时只有依赖core-common的 Kotlin 代码模版 RxFluxActivity。
- 使用代码模版,需手动添加 Activity/Fragment/Store 的 Dagger 依赖注入方法。
@ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = WanInjectFragmentModule.class)
abstract ArticleActivity injectArticleActivity();
abstract ArticleListFragment injectArticleListFragment();
abstract ViewModel bindArticleStore(ArticleStore articleStore);
- 依赖注入 Dagger+Dagger.Android
- 函数编程 RxJava +RxAndroid
- AndroidX X-Core +X-AppCompat +X-Lifecycle
- AndroidX迁移 Jetifier
- 模块路由 Arouter
- 网络框架 OkHttp +OkIo +Retrofit
- 图片加载 Glide
- 日志展示 Logger
- 减值存储 MMKV
- 数据解析 Fastjson +Gson
- 内存泄漏 LeakCanary
- 下拉刷新 SmartRefreshLayout
- 通用适配 BaseRecyclerViewAdapterHelper
- Kotlin拓展 Anko
- RxJava自动注销 AutoDispose
- AndroidX X-Room +X-Paging +X-Work +X-Navigation +X-Multidex +X-Fragment +X-CardView +X-Viewpager2 +X-RecyclerView +X-Material +X-Collection +X-ConstraintLayout
- [移除]View注入 ButterKnife
- Junit
- Mockito
- RESTMock
- Powermock
- Robolectric
- Daggermock
- X-Test-Core
- X-Test-Junit
- X-Test-Rules
- X-Test-Runner
- X-Test-Espresso
- X-Test-Fragment
Copyright 2019 liujunfeng
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.