WARNING : holmes is under heavy development now, so API will make breaking change during dev. If you want to use it in production, please wait for the first release.
Self-aware Golang profile dumper.
Our online system often crashes at midnight (usually killed by the OS due to OOM). As lazy developers, we don't want to be woken up at midnight and waiting for the online error to recur.
holmes comes to rescue.
h, _ := holmes.New(
holmes.WithGoroutineDump(10, 25, 2000),
// start the metrics collect and dump loop
// stop the dumper
- WithCollectInterval("5s") means the system metrics are collected once 5 seconds
- WithCoolDown("1m") means once a dump happened, the next dump will not happen before cooldown finish-1 minute.
- WithDumpPath("/tmp") means the dump binary file(binary mode) or the dump log file(text mode) will write content to /tmp dir
- WithTextDump() means not in binary mode, so it's text mode profiles
- WithGoroutineDump(500, 25, 20000) means dump will happen when current_goroutine_num > 500 && current_goroutine_num > 125% * previous_average_goroutine_num or current_goroutine_num > 20000
h, _ := holmes.New(
holmes.WithCPUDump(20, 25, 80),
// start the metrics collect and dump loop
// stop the dumper
- WithCollectInterval("5s") means the system metrics are collected once 5 seconds
- WithCoolDown("1m") means once a dump happened, the next dump will not happen before cooldown finish-1 minute.
- WithDumpPath("/tmp") means the dump binary file(binary mode) or the dump log file(text mode) will write content to /tmp dir
- WithBinaryDump() or WithTextDump() doesn't affect the CPU profile dump, because the pprof standard library doesn't support text mode dump
- WithCPUDump(10, 25, 80) means dump will happen when cpu usage > 10% && cpu usage > 125% * previous cpu usage recorded or cpu usage > 80%
h, _ := holmes.New(
holmes.WithMemDump(30, 25, 80),
// start the metrics collect and dump loop
// stop the dumper
- WithCollectInterval("5s") means the system metrics are collected once 5 seconds
- WithCoolDown("1m") means once a dump happened, the next dump will not happen before cooldown finish-1 minute.
- WithDumpPath("/tmp") means the dump binary file(binary mode) or the dump log file(text mode) will write content to /tmp dir
- WithTextDump() means not in binary mode, so it's text mode profiles
- WithMemDump(30, 25, 80) means dump will happen when memory usage > 10% && memory usage > 125% * previous memory usage or memory usage > 80%
It's easy.
h, _ := holmes.New(
holmes.WithCPUDump(10, 25, 80),
holmes.WithMemDump(30, 25, 80),
holmes.WithGoroutineDump(500, 25, 20000),
h, _ := holmes.New(
holmes.WithCPUDump(10, 25, 80),
holmes.WithCGroup(true), // set cgroup to true
Collect a goroutine itself may cause latency spike because of the STW.
Holmes collects the following stats every interval passed:
- Goroutine number by runtime.NumGoroutine.
- RSS used by the current process with gopsutil
- CPU percent a total. eg total 8 core, use 4 core = 50% with gopsutil
After warming up phase finished, Holmes will compare the current stats with the average of previous collected stats(10 cycles). If the dump rule is matched, Holmes will dump the related profile to log(text mode) or binary file(binary mode).
When you get warning messages sent by your own monitor system, eg. memory usage exceed 80%, OOM killed, CPU usage exceed 80%, goroutine nun exceed 100k. The profile is already dumped to your dump path. You could just fetch the profile and see what actually happend without pressure.
see this example
after warming up, just curl http://localhost:10003/make1gb for some times, then you'll probably see:
heap profile: 0: 0 [1: 1073741824] @ heap/1048576
0: 0 [1: 1073741824] @ 0x42ba3ef 0x4252254 0x4254095 0x4254fd3 0x425128c 0x40650a1
# 0x42ba3ee main.make1gbslice+0x3e /Users/xargin/go/src/github.com/mosn/holmes/example/1gbslice.go:24
# 0x4252253 net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP+0x43 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/http/server.go:2012
# 0x4254094 net/http.(*ServeMux).ServeHTTP+0x1a4 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/http/server.go:2387
# 0x4254fd2 net/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP+0xa2 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/http/server.go:2807
# 0x425128b net/http.(*conn).serve+0x86b /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/http/server.go:1895
1: 1073741824 means 1 object and 1GB memory consumption.
See this example
curl localhost:10003/lockorder1
curl localhost:10003/lockorder2
After warming up, wrk -c 100 http://localhost:10003/req, then you'll see the deadlock caused goroutine num peak:
100 @ 0x40380b0 0x4048c80 0x4048c6b 0x40489e7 0x406f72c 0x42badfc 0x42badfd 0x4252b94 0x42549d5 0x4255913 0x4251bcc 0x40659e1
# 0x40489e6 sync.runtime_SemacquireMutex+0x46 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/runtime/sema.go:71
# 0x406f72b sync.(*Mutex).lockSlow+0xfb /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/sync/mutex.go:138
# 0x42badfb sync.(*Mutex).Lock+0x8b /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/sync/mutex.go:81
# 0x42badfc main.req+0x8c /Users/xargin/go/src/github.com/mosn/holmes/example/deadlock.go:30
# 0x4252b93 net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP+0x43 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/http/server.go:2012
# 0x42549d4 net/http.(*ServeMux).ServeHTTP+0x1a4 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/http/server.go:2387
# 0x4255912 net/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP+0xa2 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/http/server.go:2807
# 0x4251bcb net/http.(*conn).serve+0x86b /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/http/server.go:1895
1 @ 0x40380b0 0x4048c80 0x4048c6b 0x40489e7 0x406f72c 0x42bb041 0x42bb042 0x4252b94 0x42549d5 0x4255913 0x4251bcc 0x40659e1
# 0x40489e6 sync.runtime_SemacquireMutex+0x46 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/runtime/sema.go:71
# 0x406f72b sync.(*Mutex).lockSlow+0xfb /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/sync/mutex.go:138
# 0x42bb040 sync.(*Mutex).Lock+0xf0 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/sync/mutex.go:81
# 0x42bb041 main.lockorder2+0xf1 /Users/xargin/go/src/github.com/mosn/holmes/example/deadlock.go:50
# 0x4252b93 net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP+0x43 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/http/server.go:2012
# 0x42549d4 net/http.(*ServeMux).ServeHTTP+0x1a4 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/http/server.go:2387
# 0x4255912 net/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP+0xa2 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/http/server.go:2807
# 0x4251bcb net/http.(*conn).serve+0x86b /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/http/server.go:1895
1 @ 0x40380b0 0x4048c80 0x4048c6b 0x40489e7 0x406f72c 0x42baf11 0x42baf12 0x4252b94 0x42549d5 0x4255913 0x4251bcc 0x40659e1
# 0x40489e6 sync.runtime_SemacquireMutex+0x46 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/runtime/sema.go:71
# 0x406f72b sync.(*Mutex).lockSlow+0xfb /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/sync/mutex.go:138
# 0x42baf10 sync.(*Mutex).Lock+0xf0 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/sync/mutex.go:81
# 0x42baf11 main.lockorder1+0xf1 /Users/xargin/go/src/github.com/mosn/holmes/example/deadlock.go:40
# 0x4252b93 net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP+0x43 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/http/server.go:2012
# 0x42549d4 net/http.(*ServeMux).ServeHTTP+0x1a4 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/http/server.go:2387
# 0x4255912 net/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP+0xa2 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/http/server.go:2807
# 0x4251bcb net/http.(*conn).serve+0x86b /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/http/server.go:1895
The req API was blocked by deadlock.
Your should set DumpFullStack to true to locate deadlock bug.
see this example
after warming up, just wrk -c100 http://localhost:10003/chanblock
goroutine profile: total 203
100 @ 0x4037750 0x4007011 0x4006a15 0x42ba3c9 0x4252234 0x4254075 0x4254fb3 0x425126c 0x4065081
# 0x42ba3c8 main.channelBlock+0x38 /Users/xargin/go/src/github.com/mosn/holmes/example/channelblock.go:26
# 0x4252233 net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP+0x43 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/http/server.go:2012
# 0x4254074 net/http.(*ServeMux).ServeHTTP+0x1a4 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/http/server.go:2387
# 0x4254fb2 net/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP+0xa2 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/http/server.go:2807
# 0x425126b net/http.(*conn).serve+0x86b /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/http/server.go:1895
It's easy to locate.
See this example
The producer forget to close the task channel after produce finishes, so every request to this URI will leak a goroutine, we could curl http://localhost:10003/leak several time and got the following log:
goroutine profile: total 10
7 @ 0x4038380 0x4008497 0x400819b 0x42bb129 0x4065cb1
# 0x42bb128 main.leak.func1+0x48 /Users/xargin/go/src/github.com/mosn/holmes/example/slowlyleak.go:26
It's easy to find the leakage reason
See this example, this is a similar example as the large slice make.
After warming up finished, wrk -c100 http://localhost:10003/alloc:
pprof memory, config_min : 3, config_diff : 25, config_abs : 80, previous : [0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0], current : 4
heap profile: 83: 374069984 [3300: 14768402720] @ heap/1048576
79: 374063104 [3119: 14768390144] @ 0x40104b3 0x401024f 0x42bb1ba 0x4252ff4 0x4254e35 0x4255d73 0x425202c 0x4065e41
# 0x42bb1b9 main.alloc+0x69 /Users/xargin/go/src/github.com/mosn/holmes/example/alloc.go:25
# 0x4252ff3 net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP+0x43 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/http/server.go:2012
# 0x4254e34 net/http.(*ServeMux).ServeHTTP+0x1a4 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/http/server.go:2387
# 0x4255d72 net/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP+0xa2 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/http/server.go:2807
# 0x425202b net/http.(*conn).serve+0x86b /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/http/server.go:1895
See this example.
After warming up finished, curl http://localhost:10003/cpuex several times, then you'll see the cpu profile dump to your dump path.
Notice the cpu profile currently doesn't support text mode.
go tool pprof cpu.20201028100641.bin
(pprof) top
Showing nodes accounting for 19.45s, 99.95% of 19.46s total
Dropped 6 nodes (cum <= 0.10s)
flat flat% sum% cum cum%
17.81s 91.52% 91.52% 19.45s 99.95% main.cpuex.func1
1.64s 8.43% 99.95% 1.64s 8.43% runtime.asyncPreempt
(pprof) list func1
Total: 19.46s
ROUTINE ======================== main.cpuex.func1 in /Users/xargin/go/src/github.com/mosn/holmes/example/cpu_explode.go
17.81s 19.45s (flat, cum) 99.95% of Total
80ms 80ms 1:package main
. . 2:
. . 3:import (
. . 4: "net/http"
. . 5: "time"
. . 6:
. . 7: "github.com/mosn/holmes"
. . 8:)
. . 9:
. . 10:func init() {
. . 11: http.HandleFunc("/cpuex", cpuex)
. . 12: go http.ListenAndServe(":10003", nil)
. . 13:}
. . 14:
. . 15:var h = holmes.New("2s", "1m", "/tmp", false).
. . 16: EnableCPUDump().Config(20, 25, 80)
. . 17:
. . 18:func main() {
. . 19: h.Start()
. . 20: time.Sleep(time.Hour)
. . 21:}
. . 22:
. . 23:func cpuex(wr http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
. . 24: go func() {
17.73s 19.37s 25: for {
. . 26: }
. . 27: }()
. . 28:}
So we find out the criminal.
See this example
This is a cgo block example, massive cgo blocking will cause many threads created.
After warming up, curl http://localhost:10003/leak, then the thread profile and goroutine profile will be dump to dumpPath:
[2020-11-10 19:49:52.145][Holmes] pprof thread, config_min : 10, config_diff : 25, config_abs : 100, previous : [8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1013], current : 1013
[2020-11-10 19:49:52.146]threadcreate profile: total 1013
1012 @
# 0x0
1 @ 0x403af6e 0x403b679 0x4037e34 0x4037e35 0x40677d1
# 0x403af6d runtime.allocm+0x14d /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/runtime/proc.go:1390
# 0x403b678 runtime.newm+0x38 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/runtime/proc.go:1704
# 0x4037e33 runtime.startTemplateThread+0x2c3 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/runtime/proc.go:1768
# 0x4037e34 runtime.main+0x2c4 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/runtime/proc.go:186
goroutine profile: total 1002
999 @ 0x4004f8b 0x4394a61 0x4394f79 0x40677d1
# 0x4394a60 main._Cfunc_output+0x40 _cgo_gotypes.go:70
# 0x4394f78 main.leak.func1.1+0x48 /Users/xargin/go/src/github.com/mosn/holmes/example/thread_trigger.go:45
1 @ 0x4038160 0x40317ca 0x4030d35 0x40c6555 0x40c8db4 0x40c8d96 0x41a8f92 0x41c2a52 0x41c1894 0x42d00cd 0x42cfe17 0x4394c57 0x4394c20 0x4037d82 0x40677d1
# 0x4030d34 internal/poll.runtime_pollWait+0x54 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/runtime/netpoll.go:203
# 0x40c6554 internal/poll.(*pollDesc).wait+0x44 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/internal/poll/fd_poll_runtime.go:87
# 0x40c8db3 internal/poll.(*pollDesc).waitRead+0x1d3 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/internal/poll/fd_poll_runtime.go:92
# 0x40c8d95 internal/poll.(*FD).Accept+0x1b5 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/internal/poll/fd_unix.go:384
# 0x41a8f91 net.(*netFD).accept+0x41 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/fd_unix.go:238
# 0x41c2a51 net.(*TCPListener).accept+0x31 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/tcpsock_posix.go:139
# 0x41c1893 net.(*TCPListener).Accept+0x63 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/tcpsock.go:261
# 0x42d00cc net/http.(*Server).Serve+0x25c /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/http/server.go:2901
# 0x42cfe16 net/http.(*Server).ListenAndServe+0xb6 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/http/server.go:2830
# 0x4394c56 net/http.ListenAndServe+0x96 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/net/http/server.go:3086
# 0x4394c1f main.main+0x5f /Users/xargin/go/src/github.com/mosn/holmes/example/thread_trigger.go:55
# 0x4037d81 runtime.main+0x211 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/runtime/proc.go:203
1 @ 0x4038160 0x4055bea 0x4394ead 0x40677d1
# 0x4055be9 time.Sleep+0xb9 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/runtime/time.go:188
# 0x4394eac main.init.0.func1+0x1dc /Users/xargin/go/src/github.com/mosn/holmes/example/thread_trigger.go:34
1 @ 0x43506d5 0x43504f0 0x434d28a 0x4391872 0x43914cf 0x43902c2 0x40677d1
# 0x43506d4 runtime/pprof.writeRuntimeProfile+0x94 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/runtime/pprof/pprof.go:694
# 0x43504ef runtime/pprof.writeGoroutine+0x9f /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/runtime/pprof/pprof.go:656
# 0x434d289 runtime/pprof.(*Profile).WriteTo+0x3d9 /Users/xargin/sdk/go1.14.2/src/runtime/pprof/pprof.go:329
# 0x4391871 github.com/mosn/holmes.(*Holmes).threadProfile+0x2e1 /Users/xargin/go/src/github.com/mosn/holmes/holmes.go:260
# 0x43914ce github.com/mosn/holmes.(*Holmes).threadCheckAndDump+0x9e /Users/xargin/go/src/github.com/mosn/holmes/holmes.go:241
# 0x43902c1 github.com/mosn/holmes.(*Holmes).startDumpLoop+0x571 /Users/xargin/go/src/github.com/mosn/holmes/holmes.go:158
So we know that the threads are blocked by cgo calls.