This repository contains servers & clients to establish a plain text POST communication between them. Its main purpose was to research on various programming languages that may be of interest for both servers and GTK+ application development.
These packages were made and are intended to run on (GNU)Linux distributions, but some of them seem to work on Windows too.
Everything is licensed as public domain, so do whatever you want with it.
First clone the repository.
git clone
In order to execute an example, first check if you have their required dependencies:
- GTK+ 3.16 or newer
- node.js
- Gjs
- LibSoup
- Julia 0.4
- Merly.jl
- Gtk.jl
- Requests.jl
- Python 3.x (may also work with 2.x)
- CherryPy
- PyGObject
- Requests
- Rust 1.5 or newer
- Valac 0.30 or newer
- LibSoup
After that, cd
to the folder with the programming language that you're intending to test. Then, setup and run the code:
npm install
sudo npm start
gjs ./client.js
sudo julia ./server.jl
julia ./client.js
sudo python ./server.js
python ./client.js
cd server
sudo cargo build
sudo cargo run
cd client
cargo build
cargo run
valac --pkg libsoup-2.4 --pkg gtk+-3.0 client.vala
If you want to run one of the servers without root permissions, just set the port in the source code.