ALSA bindings for Node.js
You must have a system on which ALSA is supported with the libasound2-dev
package installed:
$ sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev
You'll also probably want to have an audio device for either playback or capture.
Install with npm:
$ npm install alsa
or via git:
$ npm install git+
The alsa
module exports 2 high-level classes for playback and recording.
var alsa = require('alsa'),
// The following variables represent the defaults for the Playback and Capture constructors.
device = 'default', // ALSA default device
channels = 2, // Stereo
rate = 44100, // Sample rate
format = alsa.FORMAT_S16_LE, // PCM format (signed 16 bit LE int)
access = alsa.ACCESS_RW_INTERLEAVED, // Access mode
latency = 500; // Desired latency in milliseconds
// The Capture class is a stream.Readable subclass.
var capture = new alsa.Capture(device, channels, rate, format, access, latency);
capture.pipe(process.stdout); // Treat it like any other readable stream.
// The Playback class is a stream.Writable subclass.
var playback = new alsa.Playback(device, channels, rate, format, access, latency);
process.stdin.pipe(playback); // Treat it like any other writable stream.
// Want to do both at the same time? Not a problem:
capture.pipe(playback); // Of course, your sound hardware might say otherwise.
Downsample audio captured from an ALSA device to a sample rate of 11025, in mono, encoded to 32 bit float PCM data and output to stdout:
alsa = require 'alsa'
stream = require 'stream'
class Downer extends stream.Transform
constructor: -> this
# Naively drop 3 out of 4 samples, combine the interleaved left and right into
# a single sample, then convert to 32 bit float PCM data.
_transform: (chunk, encoding, callback) ->
# This is the naive part. Should be checking for partial samples.
floats = new Buffer chunk.length / 4
f = 0
for i in [0...chunk.length] by 16 # 4 bytes per frame downsampled by 4.
l16 = chunk.readInt16LE i # Read left channel sample.
r16 = chunk.readInt16LE i + 2 # Read right channel sample.
# Sum samples and normalize as a float
floats.writeFloatLE (l16 + r16) / 65536, f
f += 4 # Skip ahead 4 bytes in buffer (32 bit float).
@push floats # Write transformed samples to stream...
callback() # And we're done.
# Create a Capture and a Downer and chain them to stdout.
capture = new alsa.Capture
downer = new Downer