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Building this Repo

Alex Porter edited this page Jun 13, 2021 · 2 revisions

To generate the needed recognizers from ANTLR, you'll need to use the ANTLR command line tool, or else the ANTLR intellij plugin.

If you're using the command line, the run antlr4 with the following options:

antlr4 -o src/main/java/com/xcporter -package com.xcporter -Dlanguage=Java -listener -no-visitor -lib src/main/antlr src/main/antlr/KotlinParser.g4 src/main/antlr/KotlinLexer.g4

If you're using the intellij plugin, configure both the Lexer and Parser grammar files (in src/main/antlr) to output to src/main/Java with package name 'xcporter'. Additionally, set both to 'listener only' and the language to 'Java'. Then, run right-click and run Generate ANTLR recognizer for both the Lexer and the Parser files.

After that you should be able to build and run this project normally with Gradle.

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