How complete is OSM, really? That's the question this website sets out to answer. We compare the number of features in OpenStreetMap to the number of features in official data sources, and the results are... well, let's say we're not quite there yet.
You can find the website at
We are always looking for new data sources to compare to OSM. Please let us know by opening an issue or a pull request if you know of any.
If you want to add a new data source, you can add a new entry in one of the files in the collect
Be aware that any changes to the data
folder will be overwritten by the GitHub action that runs every day. You can run the collect script locally with npm run collect
to test your changes.
Install the dependencies with npm install
Run npm run app
to start the Vite development server. This will serve the website on http://localhost:1234.
You can use npm run build
to build the website for production. This will create a gitBuild
folder with the website.
The data can be collected with npm run collect
. This will update all the data files in the data
The website is built with Vite and is served from GitHub Pages. The data is stored in the repository and is updated with GitHub Actions.
This website is built with the idea that it should be a static site with no server-side components. This means all the data is collected beforehand, and the website is built with that data. This means that the website can be hosted on GitHub Pages and that it can be served from a CDN.
The data is collected with a Node script run periodically on GitHub Actions. The data is then committed to the repository, and the website is built with that data.
When anything is pushed to the main
branch, a GitHub Action is triggered that builds the website and pushes it to the gh-pages
branch. This branch is then served by GitHub Pages.