This is the official code and data release for:
Synthetic Data Supervised Salient Object Detection, Accepted by ACM Multimedia 2022
- Python 3.8 is supported.
- Pytorch 1.8.1.
- This code is tested with CUDA 10.2 toolkit and CuDNN 7.5.
To reproduce paper **Synthetic Data Supervised Salient Object Detection via **:
- Run Step1: training mask generator.
- Run Step2: synthesizing annotation-image pairs.
- Run Step3: Train SOD model.
we take training stlyegan as an example:
a. Download pretrained model from StyleGAN []. Put pretrained model in 'your/path/' and you have revised the path of 'stylegan_checkpoint' of ./experiments/cat_sod.json
b. Download Dataset from [] (fetch code:2nab ). Unzip stylegan datasets into './data/'.You have to revise 'annotation_mask_path', 'testing_path', 'average_latent' of ./experiments/cat_sod.json
c. python --exp experiments/stylegan/cat_sod.json --test False
python --exp experiments/stylegan/cat_sod.json --test True --resume [your trained model path]
Example of sampling images and annotation:
python --exp experiments/biggan/all.json --test True --resume [your trained model path]
Example of sampling images and annotation:
These synthesized data can be used for training off-the-shelf saliency networks.
You can skip the step 1 and use our pretrained model as below: \
Mask Generator (BigGAN) [] (fetch code:lb6u )
Mask Generator (StyleGAN cat) [] (fetch code: pkw8 )
We also provide saliency maps for comparisons [] (fetch code:b818 )
For any code dependency related to StyleGAN, StyleGAN2, and BigGAN, the license is under the Creative Commons BY-NC 4.0 license by NVIDIA Corporation. To view a copy of this license, visit LICENSE.