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A feature-oriented finite state machine library.

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Foam: Feature Oriented Automaton Machines

Adding Foam to your project

To project/plugins.sbt add:

addSbtPlugin("com.codecommit" % "sbt-github-packages" % "0.5.2")

To build.sbt add:

githubTokenSource := TokenSource.GitConfig("github.token")
resolvers += Resolver.githubPackages("wustl-frisc", "foam")
libraryDependencies ++= Seq("" %% "foam" % "<version>")

Replace <version> with the version you are targeting.

You'll now have access to the following:

import foam._
import foam.aspects._
import foam.examples._
  • import foam._ contains the basic classes for creating NFAs, converting to DFAs, interfacing with Chisel and generating Graphvis.
  • import foam.aspects._ contains the aspect oriented fucntionality used for creating features.
  • import foam.examples._ contains a few examples of feature oriented finite state machines.

Creating an NFA

For this portion of the tutorial, we will be demostrating the Vending Machine example. To create an NFA all we need to do is create a new NFA object.

val start = SimpleStateFactory(false)
val fsm = new NFA(start)

The NFA class takes the start state as a parameter. We can build up the NFA using the addTransition function.

val newFSM = fsm.addTransition((start, Lambda), TotalState(0, true))

addTransition takes a Transition Key which is a State and Token tuple and a destination State. addTransition returns a new NFA. Foam is designed to produce immutable objects, so you must store the result! Conceptually, we are adding a new entry to a state-transition table.

Components of an NFA

NFAs are made of State and Tokens objects which both inherit from Component.

trait Component {
  override def toString = ""
trait State extends Component {
    def isAccept: Boolean
trait Token extends Component {
    def isLamda: Boolean = false

All State and Token objects should extend these two traits.

Note: We provide a Lambda token. We consider this to be a clock step in the the FSM. Thus, lambda transitions will not result in the combination of states.

Converting to DFA

To convert an NFA to a DFA, all we need to do is create a new DFA object.

val error = SimpleStateFactory(false)
val vendDFA = new DFA(vendFSM, error)

The class takes a NFA and an error state. The DFA conversion will make sure that the the resulting DFA is complete. All undefined transitions for state-token pairs will go to the error state provided.

Converting to Chisel

To convert a DFA into Chisel structures, all we need to do is create a new ChiselFSM object within a Chisel module.

class ExampleConversion(dfa: DFA) extends Module {
  val chiselDFA = Module(new ChiselFSM(dfa))

Emitting NFAs and DFAs

The Emitter object provides functionality to emit either Graphvis or Verilog.


emitGV can emit either an NFA or DFA, but requres the user to provide names1 for all the componets.

val namer: Any => String = (element) => element match {
    case s: State if(s == start) => "Start"
    case other => other.toString

Emitter.emitGV(vendDFA, namer)


The Verilog emitter only accepts a DFA. However, that is the only thing that needs to be provided.



Features can be built out of aspects. Aspects are always applied to NFAs. Aspects are composed of a pointcut and advice. Simply, a pointcut is a set of joinpoints (components of the NFA) in the NFA where the implmentation information in the advice is applied.


To simplify the process of creating pointcuts, we provide the Pointcutter object.

val statePointcut = Pointcutter[State, TotalState](nfa.states, state => state match {
      case s: TotalState if(s.value + coin.value <= threshold) => true
      case _ => false

The two type parameters allow us to designate the type of the components going into the Pointcutter and the type of the components in the set that result.


Advice can be applied to either State objects or Token objects.

Anatomy of Advice

All advice has the following form:

Advice[Component](pointcut, nfa)((thisJoinPoint: Joinpoint[Component], thisNFA: NFA) => {
  //Advice Body
  (thisJoinPoint.point, thisNFA)

Advice takes in a pointcut, an NFA, and an advice function. All advice functions must return a tuple containing a valid path for the NFA and the NFA the advice will be applied to. This could be a sinlge state, single token, state-token, or token-state path, depending on the advice. Note: If any transitions are added inside the advice body. The resulting NFA must be passed in the tuple otherwise the changes will be lost.

For states, the advice is called for each transition in to and out of the state. For tokens, the advice is called for each state where the token is defined in a transition and every desitnation of that transition.

Reflexive Access

The parameters thisJoinPoint and thisNFA2 give refexive access to both the current joinpoint and the NFA. The Joinpoint class has three instance varables for reflexive access.

  • point direct reflexive access to the joinpoint.
  • in The current transition leading into the state in the case of State advice. The state before the token in the case of Token advice.
  • out The current trasition leading out of the state in the case of State advice. The state after the token in the case of Token advice.

This reflexive access allows to apply different advice depending on which in or out the advice is being applied with. For example:

AfterToken[Coin](tokenPointcut, nfa)((thisJoinPoint: TokenJoinpoint[Coin], thisNFA: NFA) => {
      var value = thisJoinPoint.out.asInstanceOf[ValueState].value
      thisJoinPoint.out match {
        case s: TotalState => (Some((PrinterState("Insufficient Funds!", s.value, false), Lambda)), thisNFA)
        case _ => (None, thisNFA)

Types of Advice

As stated previously, advice functions must return a valid path in the NFA. This path will change depending upon the component the advice is being applied to and if it's before, after, or around advice.

State Advice

  • BeforeState: State-token path. All the transitions that went into the joinpoint now go at the head of the path. The path leads to the joinpoint.
  • AfterState: Token-state path. All the transitions that came from the joinpoint now go at the end of the path. The joinpoint sits at the head of the token-state path.
  • AroundState: State path. All the transitions now lead to and come from the state path.

Token Advice

  • BeforeToken: Token-state path. The token-state path now sits ahead of the joinpoint.
  • AfterToken: State-token path. The state-token path now sits behind the joinpoint.
  • AroundToken: Token path. The token path replaces the joinpoint.

Applying Features

To apply features, we provide the Weaver object. Features will be repeatedly applied until the resulting NFA no longer changes.

val finalFSM = Weaver[NFA](features, nfa, (before: NFA, after: NFA) => before.isEqual(after))

The Weaver object takes in a set of features, an NFAs, and a function to test the equality of two NFAs.


Justin Deters

Max Camp-Oberhauser

Peyton Gozon


  1. Overriding the toString method is very useful here.

  2. Technically, these can be named whatever you want, but we recommend using this naming to keep things straight.


A feature-oriented finite state machine library.






