Releases: wtsi-hgi/MAVEQC
Releases · wtsi-hgi/MAVEQC
MAVEQC version 0.2.6
MAVEQC version 0.2.5
• minor fix date and add the straight line in the report
• add the new sample meta table in the report
• add the slot of sample meta info in the classes
• add the function processing sample meta info
MAVEQC version 0.2.4
- update descriptions in the final report
- add methods and glossary in the final report
MAVEQC version 0.2.3
- removing some warnings
- fix the order in the LFC table
- add dendextend dependency
- update namespace
- allow adapt5 & adapt3 to be empty in sample sheet
- check ref_time_point in sample sheet
- change error to warning for ref_seq and pam_seq
- add warning message in the qc_report
- add boxplot to coverage table in the qc_report
MAVEQC version 0.2.2
- add function to calculate LFC using library independent counts
- improve beeswarm plot
- add median library coverage
- correct read length calculation
- add function to read symbolic link rather than real file path
- add user defined threshold for LFC plotting in the configure file
- add stat table for LFC plotting
- add function to create coldata for DESeq from sample sheet
MAVEQC version 0.2.1
- add final Sample QC results into markdown report
- improve configure file
- update SGE classes
- update Sample QC classes and functions
- update output functions
MAVEQC version 0.2.0
- improve data structure of kmean clustering
- improve data structure for processing
- add function to write out failed variants
- add clustering tree in the report
- add new slots to store clustering results and PCA results
- add QC2 processing and plotting functions
- add QC2 output files and improve report
- add Pass/Fail function to check clustering and PCA
- minor fixes in the plots
MAVEQC version 0.1.1
- add searching and filtering in the table of markdown report
- free x axis in the position coverage plot
- using vroom to speed up reading files
- using data.table to speed up ingestion process
MAVEQC version 0.1.0
Initial release