Theory developed mainly by Joseph Cutler under Dr. Benjamin Pierce at the University of Pennsylvania.
Proofs formalized mainly by Will Sturgeon and Cutler.
Install Nix (in one line) here. After you're done, open this folder in a terminal and run these lines one by one:
nix profile install nixpkgs#direnv nixpkgs#nix-direnv
direnv allow
Et voilà. Now every time you navigate into this folder, you have all this project's dependencies, as if by magic.
Install Coq (here) and CoqHammer (here).
Open a terminal in this folder and run make
To locate the proof of a named theorem from Appendix B (e.g. "B.11"), search the source code in theories/
Directly above each proof of a named theorem is a comment naming it: e.g., (* Theorem B.11 *)