Svelte inside Phoenix LiveView with seamless end-to-end reactivity
Features • Resources • Demo • Installation • Usage • Deployment
- ⚡ End-To-End Reactivity with LiveView
- 🔋 Server-Side Rendered (SSR) Svelte
- 🪄 Sigil as an Alternative LiveView DSL
- ⭐ Svelte Preprocessing Support with svelte-preprocess
- 🦄 Tailwind Support
- 💀 Dead View Support
- 🤏 live_json Support
- 🦥 Slot Interoperability
For a full intro and demo check out the YouTube introduction
Svelte handles the look and feel of the chat, while LiveView takes care of syncing. E2E reactivity to the Svelte component so we don't really need to fetch anything! The 'login' to enter your name is a simple LiveView form. Hybrid!
News items are synced with the server while the speed is only client side.
Phoenix LiveView enables rich, real-time user experiences with server-rendered HTML. It works by communicating any state changes through a websocket and updating the DOM in realtime. You can get a really good user experience without ever needing to write any client side code.
LiveSvelte builds on top of Phoenix LiveView to allow for easy client side state management while still allowing for communication over the websocket.
- You have (complex) local state
- You want to take full advantage of Javascript's ecosystem
- You want to take advantage of Svelte's animations
- You want scoped CSS
- You like Svelte and its DX :)
For Server-Side Rendering (SSR) to work you need node
(version 19 or later) installed in your environment.
Make sure you have it installed in production too. You might be using node
in the build step, but it might actually not be installed in your production environment.
You can make sure you have node
installed by running node --version
in your project directory.
If you don't want SSR, you can disable it by not setting NodeJS.Supervisor
in application.ex
. More on that in the SSR section of this document.
If you're updating from an older version, make sure to check the
for breaking changes.
- Add
to your list of dependencies of your Phoenix app inmix.exs
defp deps do
{:live_svelte, "~> 0.15.0"}
- Adjust the
aliases inmix.exs
defp aliases do
setup: ["deps.get", "ecto.setup", "cmd --cd assets npm install"],
"assets.deploy": ["tailwind <app_name> --minify", "cmd --cd assets node build.js --deploy", "phx.digest"]
Note: tailwind <app_name> --minify
is only required in the assets.deploy
alias if you're using Tailwind. If you are not using Tailwind, you can remove it from the list.
- Run the following in your terminal
mix deps.get
mix live_svelte.setup
- Add
import LiveSvelte
like so:
# /lib/<app_name>_web.ex
defp html_helpers do
quote do
# ...
import LiveSvelte # <-- Add this line
# ...
- For tailwind support, add
in thetailwind.config.js
content: [
- Finally, remove the
configuration fromconfig/config.exs
and remove the dependency from thedeps
function in yourmix.exs
, and you are done!
Phoenix's default configuration of esbuild (via the Elixir wrapper) does not allow you to use esbuild plugins. The standard Elixir esbuild
package works great for simple projects with Phoenix hooks, but to use LiveSvelte we need a more complex setup.
To use plugins, Phoenix recommends replacing the default build system with a build script. So, in setup, we go from using the standard esbuild
package to using esbuild
directly as a node_module
As a result, you'll notice some related changes:
- A bunch of files get created in
. - There are some code changes in
. - We no longer use the standard Elixir
watcher, as we created a new watcher that does the same thing.
The setup process commented out some lines of code, like configuration in dev.exs
. It's safe to delete commented-out code if you desire.
Svelte components need to go into the assets/svelte
: Specify the Svelte componentprops
(Optional): Provide theprops
you want to use that should be reactive as a map to the props fieldclass
(Optional): Provideclass
to set the class attribute on the root svelte elementssr
(Optional): Setssr
to disable server-side rendering
e.g. If your component is named assets/svelte/Example.svelte
def render(assigns) do
<.svelte name="Example" props={%{number: @number}} socket={@socket} />
If your component is in a directory, for example assets/svelte/some-directory/SomeComponent.svelte
you need to include the directory in your name: some-directory/SomeComponent
There is also an Elixir macro which checks your assets/svelte
folder for any Svelte components, and injects local function def
s for those components into the calling module.
This allows for an alternative, more JSX-like authoring experience inside Liveviews.
e.g. in the below example, a Svelte component called Example
is available to be called inside the Liveview template:
use LiveSvelte.Components
def render(assigns) do
<.Example number={@number} socket={@socket} />
Examples can be found in the /examples
and /example_project
Most of the /example_project
examples are visible in the YouTube demo video.
I recommend cloning live_svelte
and running the example project in /example_project
by running the following commands:
git clone
cd ./live_svelte/example_project
npm install --prefix assets
mix deps.get
mix phx.server
Server should be running on localhost:4000
If you have examples you want to add, feel free to create a PR, I'd be happy to add them.
// The number prop is reactive,
// this means if the server assigns the number, it will update in the frontend
export let number = 1
// live contains all exported LiveView methods available to the frontend
export let live
function increase() {
// This pushes the event over the websocket
// The last parameter is optional. It's a callback for when the event is finished.
// You could for example set a loading state until the event is finished if it takes a longer time.
live.pushEvent("set_number", {number: number + 1}, () => {})
// Note that we actually never set the number in the frontend!
// We ONLY push the event to the server.
// This is the E2E reactivity in action!
// The number will automatically be updated through the LiveView websocket
function decrease() {
live.pushEvent("set_number", {number: number - 1}, () => {})
<p>The number is {number}</p>
<button on:click={increase}>+</button>
<button on:click={decrease}>-</button>
Note: that here we use the pushEvent
function, but you could also use phx-click
and phx-value-number
if you wanted.
The following methods are available on live
These need to be run on the client, they can't be run in SSR. Either make sure they're called on an action (e.g. clicking a button) or wrap them with onMount
More about this in the LiveView documentation on js-interop
# `/lib/app_web/live/live_svelte.ex`
defmodule AppWeb.SvelteLive do
use AppWeb, :live_view
def render(assigns) do
<.svelte name="Example" props={%{number: @number}} socket={@socket} />
def handle_event("set_number", %{"number" => number}, socket) do
{:noreply, assign(socket, :number, number)}
def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
{:ok, assign(socket, :number, 5)}
# `/lib/app_web/router.ex`
import Phoenix.LiveView.Router
scope "/", AppWeb do
live "/svelte", SvelteLive
We can go one step further and use LiveSvelte as an alternative to the standard LiveView DSL. This idea is inspired by Surface UI.
Take a look at the following example:
defmodule ExampleWeb.LiveSigil do
use ExampleWeb, :live_view
def render(assigns) do
export let number = 5
let other = 1
$: combined = other + number
<p>This is number: {number}</p>
<p>This is other: {other}</p>
<p>This is other + number: {combined}</p>
<button phx-click="increment">Increment</button>
<button on:click={() => other += 1}>Increment</button>
def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
{:ok, assign(socket, :number, 1)}
def handle_event("increment", _value, socket) do
{:noreply, assign(socket, :number, socket.assigns.number + 1)}
Use the ~V
sigil instead of ~H
and your LiveView will be Svelte instead of an HEEx template.
- If it's not already imported inside
, addimport LiveSvelte
inside thelive_view
function in your project, this can be found in/lib/<app_name>_web.ex
def live_view do
quote do
use Phoenix.LiveView,
layout: {ExampleWeb.Layouts, :app}
import LiveSvelte
- Ignore build files in your
. The sigil will create Svelte files that are then picked up byesbuild
, these files don't need to be included in your git repo:
# Ignore automatically generated Svelte files by the ~V sigil
To enable syntax highlighting in Neovim with Treesitter, create the following file:
; extends
; Svelte
(sigil_name) @_sigil_name
(quoted_content) @injection.content
(#eq? @_sigil_name "V")
(#set! injection.language "svelte"))
For Neovim Treesitter version below v0.9:
; extends
; Svelte
(sigil_name) @_sigil_name
(quoted_content) @svelte
(#eq? @_sigil_name "V"))
Also make sure Svelte and Elixir is installed in Treesitter.
Options can be passed in the mount by setting svelte_opts
, check the following example:
def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
{:ok, assign(socket, some_value: 1, svelte_opts: %{ssr: false, class: "example-class"})}
Inside Svelte you can define Live Navigation links. These links navigate from one LiveView to the other without refreshing the page.
For example this can be useful when you have a Svelte store and you want this store state to remain during navigation. Example of Svelte store usage can be found in /examples/store
<a href="/your-liveview-path" data-phx-link="redirect" data-phx-link-state="push">Redirect</a>
<a href="/your-liveview-path" data-phx-link="patch" data-phx-link-state="push">Patch</a>
LiveView allows for a bunch of interoperability which you can read more about here:
To use the preprocessor, install the desired preprocessor.
e.g. Typescript
cd assets && npm install --save-dev typescript
If you're unfamiliar with SSR (Server-Side Rendering), it is a feature of Svelte to... render Svelte on the server. This means on first page load you get to see HTML instead of a blank page. Immediately after the first page load the page is 'hydrated', which is a fancy word for adding reactivity to your component. This happens in the background, you don't notice this step happening.
The way LiveSvelte updates itself through LiveView is by letting Svelte handle all the HTML edits. Usually LiveView would edit the HTML by passing messages through the websocket. In our case we only pass the data we provided in the props attribute to Svelte through the websocket. No HTML is being touched by LiveView, Svelte takes care of that.
Like mentioned, without SSR you'd see a brief flash of un-rendered content. Sometimes you can get away with not rendering Svelte on the server, for example when your Svelte component doesn't do any rendering on first page load and needs to be manually toggled for visibility by the user. Or when it is a component that has no visual component to it like tracking your mouse cursor and sending it back to the server.
In theses cases you can turn off SSR.
SSR is enabled by default when you install LiveSvelte. If you don't want to use Server-Side Rendering for Svelte, you can disable it in the following ways:
If you don't want to use SSR on any component you can disable it globally.
There are 2 ways of doing this
- Don't include the
supervisor in theapplication.ex
file or - Add
ssr: false
to thelive_svelte
config in yourconfig.exs
file like so:
config :live_svelte,
ssr: false
To disable SSR on a specific component, set the ssr
property to false. Like so:
<.svelte name="Example" ssr={false} />
LiveSvelte has support for live_json.
By default, LiveSvelte sends your entire json object over the wire through LiveView. This can be expensive if your json object is big and changes frequently.
on the other hand allows you to only send a diff of the json to Svelte. This is very useful the bigger your json objects get.
Counterintuitively, you don't always want to use live_json
. Sometimes it's cheaper to send your entire object again. Although diffs are small, they do add a little bit of data to your json. So if your json is relatively small, I'd recommend not using live_json
, but it's something to experiment with for your use-case.
Install live_json
in your project with LiveSvelte. For example:
def render(assigns) do
<.svelte name="Component" live_json_props={%{my_prop: @ljmy_prop}} socket={@socket} />
def mount(_, _, socket) do
# Get `my_big_json_object` somehow
{:ok, LiveJson.initialize("my_prop", my_big_json_object)}
def handle_info(%Broadcast{event: "update", payload: my_big_json_object}, socket) do
{:noreply, LiveJson.push_patch(socket, "my_prop", my_big_json_object)}
You can find an example here.
We use Jason to serialize any data you pass in the props so it can be handled by Javascript. Jason doesn't know how to handle structs by default, so you need to define it yourself.
For example, if you have a regular struct like this:
defmodule User do
defstruct name: "John", age: 27, address: "Main St"
You must define @derive
defmodule User do
@derive Jason.Encoder
defstruct name: "John", age: 27, address: "Main St"
Be careful though, as you might accidentally leak certain fields you don't want the client to access, you can include which fields to serialize:
defmodule User do
@derive {Jason.Encoder, only: [:name, :age]}
defstruct name: "John", age: 27, address: "Main St"
In ecto's case it's important to also omit the __meta__
field as it's not serializable.
Check out the following example:
defmodule Example.Planets.Planet do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
@derive {Jason.Encoder, except: [:__meta__]}
schema "planets" do
field :diameter, :integer
field :mass, :integer
field :name, :string
More documentation on the topic:
You can slot Elixir inside a LiveSvelte component like so:
<.svelte name="Example">
<p>Slot content</p>
And in the Svelte file it will look like this:
let {children}: = $props()
{@render children?.()}
Named slots also work:
<.svelte name="Example">
Main content
<p>Slot content</p>
let {children, subtitle}: = $props()
{@render children()}
<h2>{@render subtitle()}</h2>
This works because of the Snippet API provided by Svelte. Be careful though, it's a new feature that might not be working 100% of the time, I'd love to see what limitations you hit with it. One limitation is that you can't slot other Svelte components.
With LiveView, it's easy to keep things secret. Let's say you have a conditional that only renders when something is true
, in LiveView there's no way to know what that conditional will show until it is shown, that's because the HTML is sent over the wire.
With LiveSvelte, we're dealing with JSON being sent to Svelte, which in turn takes that JSON data and conditionally renders something, even if we don't set the conditional to true
, the Svelte code will contain code on what to show when the conditional turns true
In a lot of scenarios this is not an issue, but it can be and is something you should be aware of.
You can use /example_project
as a way to test live_svelte
You can also use your own project.
Clone live_svelte
to the parent directory of the project you want to test it in.
Inside mix.exs
{:live_svelte, path: "../live_svelte"},
Inside assets/package.json
"live_svelte": "file:../../live_svelte",
Make the changes in /assets/js
and run:
Or run the watcher:
mix --watch
- Make sure you've built the latest assets with
- Update the version in
- Update the version in
- Update the version in
- Update the changelog
mix hex.publish
- Publish a tag for the latest version
Deploying a LiveSvelte app is the same as deploying a regular Phoenix app, except that you will need to ensure that nodejs
(version 19 or later) is installed in your production environment.
The below guide shows how to deploy a LiveSvelte app to, but similar steps can be taken to deploy to other hosting providers. You can find more information on how to deploy a Phoenix app here.
The following steps are needed to deploy to This guide assumes that you'll be using Fly Postgres as your database. Further guidance on how to deploy to can be found here.
- Generate a
mix phx.gen.release --docker
- Modify the generated
to installcurl
, which is used to installnodejs
(version 19 or greater), and also add a step to install ournpm
# ./Dockerfile
# install build dependencies
- RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y build-essential git \
+ RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y build-essential git curl \
&& apt-get clean && rm -f /var/lib/apt/lists/*_*
+ # install nodejs for build stage
+ RUN curl -fsSL | bash - && apt-get install -y nodejs
COPY assets assets
+ # install all npm packages in assets directory
+ WORKDIR /app/assets
+ RUN npm install
+ # change back to build dir
+ WORKDIR /app
# start a new build stage so that the final image will only contain
# the compiled release and other runtime necessities
RUN apt-get update -y && \
- apt-get install -y libstdc++6 openssl libncurses5 locales ca-certificates \
+ apt-get install -y libstdc++6 openssl libncurses5 locales ca-certificates curl \
&& apt-get clean && rm -f /var/lib/apt/lists/*_*
+ # install nodejs for production environment
+ RUN curl -fsSL | bash - && apt-get install -y nodejs
Note: nodejs
is installed BOTH in the build stage and in the final image. This is because we need nodejs
to install our npm
dependencies and also need it when running our app.
- Launch your app with the CLI:
fly launch
- When prompted to tweak settings, choose
? Do you want to tweak these settings before proceeding? (y/N) y
This will launch a new window where you can tweak your launch settings. In the database section, choose Fly Postgres
and enter a name for your database. You may also want to change your database to the development configuration to avoid extra costs. You can leave the rest of the settings as-is unless you want to change them.
Deployment will continue once you hit confirm.
- Once the deployment completes, run the following command to see your deployed app!
fly apps open
Since version 0.15.0
, LiveSvelte supports Svelte 5. If you want to use Svelte 4, use version 0.14.0
. Note that Svelte 5 is backwards compatible with Svelte 4 for the most part, so even if you're using Svelte 4 syntax, with the latest version it should still work, and so there should be few reasons why to stay on version 0.14.0
To migrate your project from 0.14.0
to 0.15.0
you need to follow the following 3 steps:
- Update
mix.exs`` and run
mix deps.get`
# `mix.exs`
{:live_svelte, "0.15.0"}`
- Update to the latest Svelte 5 and
version in your package.json
// package.json
"esbuild-svelte": "^0.9.0",
"svelte": "^5",
- Update your build.js file. Which you can find here
Using LiveSvelte in a public project? Let me know and I'll add it to this list!