Dot files for VIM and TMUX - the foci are on
minimized numbers of plug-ins /dependencies with maximum performance.
software development
linters, syntax highlighting, and language servers (C, C++, Python, Markdown, PlantUML)
a good work flow
Note that you can install configuration (and dependencies) easily only for either VIM or TMUX.
The main feature is showing following panel at the bottom:
master 1:vim* cpu0 0% cpu1 0% cpu2 4% cpu3 0% 21/10 09:28:39
^ ^ ^
| | |
+-- GIT branch +-- window(s) +-- CPU loads, date, time
Main features - for the list of plug-ins see .vimrc
Use of vim-fzf for searching almost everything: buffers, files, regex in files, marks, etc.
Use of vim-ale: linter and language client (LSP client)
Improved C++ syntax highlighting
Support of
Optimized for work with GIT
Improved syntax highlighting in Markdown files (e.g. markdown fenced languages are enabled)
Improved searching in files
Main features:
- A single big history for all TMUX sessions. Note that
is not modified!
- Clone repository into
git clone [email protected]:wosrediinanatour/dotfiles.git
, if they exist. -
Install dot files (you need GNU stow, .e.g. by
sudo dnf install stow
) separately by:
$ cd ~/dotfiles
$ stow -v VIM
LINK: .vimrc => dotfiles/VIM/.vimrc
$ stow -v TMUX
LINK: .tmux.conf => dotfiles/TMUX/.tmux.conf
LINK: show_load_per_cpu => dotfiles/TMUX/show_load_per_cpu
$ stow -v BASH
LINK: .bashrc.d => dotfiles/BASH/.bashrc.d
- Install VIM Plug:
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \
triggers the installation of plug-ins. -
You may install all dependencies together by
sudo dnf install -y ripgrep bat fzf pandoc plantuml clang-format clangd
- FZF is a fuzzy finder for: files, commits, buffers, ...
- RIPGREP is a fast replacement of GREP.
- For Language Client ALE (vim) you need a language server. For C++ CLANGD is used.
- For markdown linting Pandoc and for C and C++ linting clang-format is used.
- PlantUML installation is optional.
- VIM-FZF uses BAT for syntax highlighting of the file preview.
Install TMUX Plugin Manager by
git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
of Packagesysstat
are used for displaying CPU load:
sudo dnf install sysstat jq
triggers the installation of plug-ins.
$ stow -D VIM
$ stow -D TMUX
$ stow -D BASH